44: Toy War

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The quacking of ducks may be considered annoying and irritating by some, but to me, I just feel at ease when being surrounded by it. Throwing some more pieces of bread into the pond, I watch with an amused smile as they pick up the bread and feast on it while the others look at me expectantly.

Giggling to myself at their antics, I throw some more bread into the pond. I glance at my watch and sigh when I realize that in a few minutes I would have to leave if I want to spend some time with Lindsey as promised.

We have the entire day planned out, to say the least, neither my father nor my brothers objected to me going over to Lindsey's. On the contrary, I did notice a slight look of relief on Jack's face when I mentioned my plans for the day.

That's when I realize that the people from the dinner last night are coming over for lunch today and this most probably is the reason. While the rest of my brothers didn't bring up last night, Liam on the other hand is giving me the silent treatment.

While I'm excited to get to spend the day with my best friend, I'm also nervous about going to the game this evening. The thought of asking Lindsey to join me did cross my mind, but considering her grounding and all, I think it's safer not to. Besides what am I going to tell her when she sees me with Parker?

'I need to get something I can use against Parker, and I need to find it fast!'

As my mind goes on a treasure hunt to finds ideas, it wanders back to a certain green-eyed boy from last night. I have never left this way about a guy before, never has anyone managed to invade my thoughts like this.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Noah's familiar voice snaps me out of my fantasies.

"Yeah just have to run up to get my bag," I inform him and take off towards my room as I do so.

Grabbing my bookbag which contained my biology notes that she requested me to bring along and my mum's jewelry box also which she insisted I bring along when I mentioned the story of my fruitless attempt to open it. She unlike me is certain that we can find a way to open it.

Rushing down the stairs not intending to keep Noah waiting for too long, I make my way through the front door and jump into Noah's Aston Martin DB11 that was waiting for me on our driveway. Buckling up soon after, we zoom past our main gate and on to the freeway.

"Um Noah I actually need to ask you something," I inform him nervously breaking the silence of the car. He turns his head in my direction for a brief second and nods his head.

"What's is it?" He asks as he changes the gear with one hand and mauves the steering wheel with the other.

"I wanted to ask if I could go to the basketball game this evening?" I ask trying to mask my nervousness the best I can.

"With whom?" He inquires. Happy that he didn't decline my requests immediately, a spark of hope ignites within me.

"The rest of my team, just going to support our school," I explain and he nods to himself.

"Is Lindsey going?" He questions further.

"Not sure," I reply with a shrug.

"You may go, but you have a curfew and you have to promise that you will stay with your team at all times," he states which I find reasonable yet I know that I won't be able to keep this promise.

"I promise," I say, guilt already clenching my heart.

"Are you planning to go there directly from Lindsey's place or you need me to drop you?" He inquires when we stop at the signal blinking red.

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