50: Troubled Thoughts

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After returning from our trip to the office I try to indulge in several mindless activities yet nothing helps shake this uneasy feeling that has settled at the pit of my stomach.

Day turns to dusk yet the feeling remains persistent, leaving me to drown in unfathomed worry and concern. The silent treatment I've been receiving from Liam and Jack does nothing to help my situation, yet I can't find it in me to blame them after all it's me who is at fault here.

The only solace I receive is when Noah and Jason return home. Even though I don't share my concerns with them-unsure of their reaction-their mere presence provides comfort and reassurance.

"Has Xavier called yet?" I ask Noah for the hundredth time this evening. The amount of patience he has had with me is commendable, and a quality I truly appreciate.

"My answer is the same as it was the other twenty-six times querida, no he hasn't. By asking me the same question every five minutes is not going to change my answer. I'll let you know as soon as he makes contact," he reassures yet again in a gentle tone.

"Okay," I mumble sleepily as yet another yawn escapes my mouth.

"It's late you should get some rest, you have practices tomorrow," Noah advises which I choose to ignore.

With all of us hanging out in the living room after dinner, I feel stupid having to be the only one going to bed this early. Even though my eyes are begging me to let them rest, stubborn as I am, I refuse to give in.

"Don't make me have to give you a bedtime now Astoria," Noah warns observing my stubborn yet sleepy state.

"Five more minutes?" I mumble cuddling into Jason's side.

"Please?" I add with my infamous puppy dog eyes which none of them can ever say 'no' to.

"Five more minutes and then straight to bed," he negotiates and I agree instantaneously.

Jason chuckles at my antics but says nothing. The other two continue to remain hostile towards me, giving me the silent treatment. Now that I'm on the receiving end of it, I realize how tormenting it is.

I fully intend to make it up to them and earn their forgiveness, I just don't know, how. This being Jack and Liam of all people takes this task to a whole new stratosphere of difficulty.

As promised after another five minutes go by, I head up to bed not before wishing everyone 'good night'. Sleep engulfed me as soon as my head touched the pillow, yet my thoughts remained troubled.


If there was an option that allows me to omit just one day from my life's history, that day would be today. Spending my time sitting on the sideline while the rest of my team invested their time in improving their game, caused a wave of jealously to flood my veins.

And if that isn't sufficient torture, I'm now stuck in this ginormous mansion with two individuals who refuse to talk to me and four statues who keep scanning our surroundings every two minutes. And not to mention the army of guarded soldiers flooding our compound, that even the poor ducks are afraid to come out!

My four guards refuse to fill me in on what's going on, but I'm positive that something is up. If the sudden overflow of armed guards around the mention didn't give it away, the glimpse of Jack's concerned filled orbits as he and Liam rushed into the forbidden wing sure did.

I try not to associate the sudden change around me with the uncanny feeling I've been harboring since yesterday, yet the turn of events is making it excruciatingly hard not to.

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