21: Big Trouble

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The sound of the gun was quickly followed by a bloodcurdling scream. The shooter chuckled evilly.

I look at Chrissie in dread, thankfully the bullet didn't hit her it just missed and hit the walk nearby. The sound of thundering footsteps indicated that the attacker was heading in our direction, and that thought made me feel stuck and claustrophobic. I can't seem to be able to decipher any escape route.

"Stupid girl, thought you could just run and escape us eh?  Look where that lead you bitch," he laughs at her as he grabs her by her hair roughly. His nefarious laugh sent nauseous shivers down my spine.

Lindsey lightly tapped my shoulder startling me, I compose myself and turned my attention to her. She quietly pointed towards the staircase that was located at the other end of the hall. We would have to run across the hallway to reach it. Heading in that direction is risky, but there isn't much of an option left. I looked back at her and nodded in silent agreement. We both then shifted our gaze towards Chrissie who is now lying on the cold floor, unconscious.

"There is no way to save her now, if we try we will meet the same fate. She made her bed, now she has to lay in it. Literally," Lindsey whispers, while she followed my worried gaze.

'She does have a point, but how can I just leave her at death's doorstep?'

"It's now or never, if we manage to get out of here we can still help the others," and with that, I made up my mind and decided to make a run for it.

Lindsey tried to be as quiet as she can, but I have other plans. Once she has reached the staircase safely I purposely make a squeaky noise with my shoes to gain his attention and head in the other direction to misguide him.

I'm halfway through the distance, suddenly my entire being goes stiff when I feel cold metal come in contact with my head with force. I fell to the ground at the sudden impact and tried to clutch my throbbing head only to be shoved forward by the cold metal. I felt something trickling down my head but I choose to ignore it and focus on the object that is being placed on my head.

A gun

"Get up and don't try to act smart. One wrong move and you will have a bullet in your skull!" a disgusting voice said his breath reeked, I can smell the stench of cigarette on him making me want to gag.

Fear. That's all I could feel. My entire body dreading the attacker's next step. There had to be more than two of them because this man isn't the one who tried to shoot Chrissie. This guy was a lot buffer, taller and his voice is different too.

He suddenly crouches in front of me and grabs my face in his palm, he slowly runs the back of his knuckles on the side of my face making me want to scrub my face raw at his disgusting touch.

A smirk creeps on his face which is visible through the gape of the mask. He then gets up and moves behind me and roughly pulls me up.
I slowly get up, I did not dare try to look back. He shoves me forward and I almost trip, but I manage to balance myself. The hit to my head was hard, I can't seem to balance myself causing me to stumble at every other step which seemed to get him even more irritated and impatient.

"They will be glad to finally meet again Suka" he spat, pushing me forward with force. I do as I'm told and slowly start walking.

'What does he mean by meet again, do I know his companions?'

His words and actions brought back someone terrifying memories, but I compose myself and try my best not to go into a flashback. But I needed answers and he isn't going to give them to me so, I will just have to wait for the right moment to put him on his ass and find out for myself. But right now I need to buy some time so that Lindsey can escape and hopefully help the others or find my brothers. As we keep walking his phone buzzes with an irritating tune, he tugs my arm to stop me and I do so obediently.

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