32: Getting Down To Buisness

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"Nothing came up in the tests. All the tests have come negative leaving us with no justification for her fever. She will have to be monitored throughout the night and if the fever doesn't break by morning we'll have to shift her to the hospital." The two brothers nod in understanding but, soon frown in confusion.

"So why do you appear so worried and troubled, isn't this good news?" Owen enquires with Astoria still held securely in his arms while Xavier remains completely silent knowing the reason for Seb's worry.

"It isn't very good news Owen," Seb sighs before continuing "With all the tests coming in negative we are left with no idea as to what is causing the fever, this can be dangerous."

Owen frowns at this. He looks down at his Pasarinha in his arms, her discomfort and pain physically hurting all of them. Nothing could ever be more important to them then her happiness and safety, even though they didn't show it or rather didn't know how to. Whenever they tried to show their concern for her it always seems to backfire.

Without any more words being exchanged between the three, Owen left with Astoria towards her room.

"I'll stay the night with her, make sure her temperature doesn't rise any further," Xavier says, the last part toning down to almost a whisper.

"No, Xav you just got from a ten hours flights from Germany you need to rest. One of us will stay with her, don't worry man she's going to be fine. She's a fighter," Patting his shoulder Seb leaves the room in search of the others.

"She is going to be fine, she has to," Xavier says to himself, before retiring back to his room for the rest of the night.

As soon as his body hits the bed, the day's exhaustion gets to him drowning him in immediate slumber.


Xavier's eyes instantly snap open at the sound of his phone ringing. Groaning in annoyance and tiredness he extends his hand towards his nightstand to retrieve his buzzing device. Rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep he focuses on the caller ID and immediately frowns.

"Dad?" His voice blank with not a trace for sleepiness in it.

"Liam updated me on Jason's situation, I'm sure you're handling it?" Comes his father's cold voice from the other line cutting straight to the chase.

"Don't worry dad, everything thing is under control." He assures.

"How is she? According to Seb, all the tests came negative," enquires the worried father.

"Yes, they did. And if her fever doesn't break by morning we will have to shift her to the hospital," Xavier adds rubbing his temples while doing so.

"Whatever may happen Xavier make sure your Irmãzinha is fine, I don't want my little girl in any discomfort, you understand me?" His tone instantly changing from an emotionless one to a commanding one.

"Yes don," comes the son's immediate reply.

"Take care of your brothers and yourself, I'll talk to you later," and with that the line going dead.

Sighing Xavier returns back to sleep. Only to be interrupted by his phone again.

Seeing the caller ID all his sleep immediately vanishes.

"This better be important Kevin," he growls at the person on the other end.

"We have his location sir," this news brings a sadistic smirk on to his face. Instantly all the tiredness of the day vanishes and is replaced with an unknown energy.

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