5: Rules are for fools

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Guessing that's my cue to follow. So, I take off after him trying to catch up with his long strides. Soon we reach a set of double doors near one of the spiral staircases. He opens the door and lets me go first and soon follows not before closing the door behind him.

This room looks more like a study. With a huge desk and chair in the middle and four visitors' chairs in front of it. The wall behind is actually a bookshelf and there is a floor to ceiling window on the other side with a stupendous view.

"Take a seat irmãzinha," he says with an edge of softness to his voice.

I smile again at the nickname, but soon cover it up with my signature blank face. Just like Noah he too frowns looking at me but doesn't say anything about it. I do as I'm told and take a seat on one of the visitor's chairs which surprisingly happens to be very comfortable.

"I have gone through your school reports and I must say I'm impressed. And expect nothing less from you here," he starts off as soon as I sit.

I just nod in understanding; he raises an eyebrow as if asking for something more. I murmur a quick "I understand" loud enough for him to hear.

He nods and continues, "and since you will be staying with us from now on, you will have set of rules you will have to follow just like the rest. These rules are not to be violated at all come what may, am I clear?" he says getting a little more serious.

I straighten in my seat paying full attention and look at him in anticipation. 'Rules are for fools' is the only thought running through my mind.

"Rule number one: Respect, no form of disrespect will be tolerated towards anyone older than you. If you have a disagreement settle it by communicating or come to me," he says raising one finger up.

"Rule number two: You are free to go anywhere you want in the house, but when it comes to the ground floor the rule changes a bit. The ground floor is divided into two wings. The living room and kitchen is the one you are free to explore, but the part beyond the kitchen is strictly prohibited. That is our working wing and we appreciate not being disturbed," he says with a very stern and seriously look and waits. I quickly mumble a "got it" and wait for him to continue.

"Rule number three: you will maintain your grades and do your assigned school work on time, I should not get any complaints from your school, which you will be starting in a week"

Again, my mumble an "I understand" he just nods in approval before continuing.

"Rule number four: no boys. No talking to them and no being friends with them," he says a bit too sternly. I raise my hand before he could continue. He raises his brow in question but nods nonetheless.

"The school I will be attending will consist of boys, right? " He just nods and waits for me to continue, his eyes stare straight into mine, trying to read my thought I suppose.

"And there is a very high possibility of me getting paired with one for a project or lab and such?" A look of realization flashes through his eyes knowing fully well where this is going and nods, a small smirk which is quite hard to define graces his face.

"Then how am I supposed to do it without talking to them and if so, how I'm I going to keep my grades up? " I question with an innocent look. He nods in understanding and takes a minute to think.

"Very well then, you can talk to them but it ends there, nothing more than that," he says with the same stern look as before.

I secretly smile at my small victory and say a quick "you got it " remembering his unvoiced demand for verbal replies.

"Rule number five: you will sit with Jack at lunch and inform him incase you're going to be late for some reason. He will pick and drop you to and from school".

I'm not exactly thrilled with the 'sitting with his for lunch' idea but let it slide not wanting to push my luck too much.

"That is all for now, do you have any questions?" his tone getting gentler. I nod at his question and he signals for me to continue.

"I have two actually, " I say shyly, still not used to his intimidating demeanour and the aura of authority that surrounds him.

He just nods in response 'what happened to verbal response?' I think to myself not liking the double standards but shake it off and continue before I get off topic myself.

"First what's your na-name?" I stutter a little while doing so feeling a little awkward not knowing my very own brother's name.

'But then again I was never informed about their names. As a matter of fact, I just came to know of their existence a few hours ago' I say in my mind trying to reassure myself.

I notice the same look of hurt flash in his eyes as Liam's when I asked him which one of my brothers he was earlier today. And just as Liam the look is gone as soon as it came replaced with a blank and cold one.

"Xavier," he replies in a distant voice. I just nod before continuing and coming to my main question.

"And my second question is, can I try out for the school basketball team. I was the captain of my previous school team and I would like to continue here, if that's okay with you," I ask hopefully, my fingers crossed over my lap.

Basketball being my only outlet I needed it. It's the only thing that helps me cope with my emotions and keep me calm. Making a silent prayer for him to agree, I wait for his response. He takes a minute to think and with each minute that passes my anxiety increase and my hope reduces.

"You may. But it shouldn't affect your studies or health in any way," he says in a strict voice, he may not show it but by his words, it is now clear to me that he cares and that warms my heart like a thick blanket on a winter night.

I nod rapidly and say I quick "you won't be disappointed" and 'thank you' with a big smile. He surprisingly smiles the size of a millimeter back. It isn't a big one but big enough for me.

"Your welcome irmãzinha and your free to leave," he says in a gentle voice.

I nod once again and proceed to leave in a hurry not wanting to stay in the room for much longer, but in the process, I accidentally hit my already injured shoulder at the back of the chair. And before I could stop myself I hiss in pain, which immediately grabs the attention of Xavier.

"What wrong with your shoulder?" he asks in a calm voice but I can feel the anger radiate off of him in waves. His voice is like the calm before the storm.

'Oh shit! '

Author's Note :

Thank you for reading


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