51: Shell-Shocked

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Everything along with everyone in the room freezes, the air becomes stagnant as Liam and I become the center of everyone's attention. I search his eyes for answers, yet I find none. But by the way his eyes study mine it is evident that unlike me he's able to read me like an open book.

Breaking the silence by clearing his throat, Seb grabs everyone's attention including mine within seconds. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he gently guides me to the exit of the room.

With my mind still trying to process everything, I find myself speechless and in no position to oppose his action and willing go along with Seb. Liam's words keep ringing in my head as my brain tries to understand it.

'Security breach' These two words stand out amongst the rest. Thinking about this my mind inevitably goes to Xavier. 'What if this has something to do with him?' 'What if that uncanny feeling I've been having all day, wasn't just me being paranoid?'

Drowning in a sea of 'What If's' I see no hope to escape it. A million possibilities cloud my mind, but none of them bring me any relief. 'How I wish they would just tell me everything!' I suppress the urge of voicing my thoughts out loud powered by all the frustration and energy I can find within me.

"How about we go to the kitchen and whip up something for everyone. If I can recall correctly, you like to bake, don't you?" Seb asks in one of his many attempts to break my silence.

"Um...yeah, sure," I reply not wanting to appear rude to my cousin who has been nothing but nice to me.

Entering the kitchen, I take my place on the stool next to the counter while Seb busies himself in gathering the supplies to make god only knows what. "Why won't y'all just tell me what's going on? Xavier, is my brother too you know? I have a right to know too," I mumble finally mustering up the courage to voice out my thoughts.

"How do you know that any of this has anything to do with Xavier?" He asks giving me his undivided attention all of a sudden.

"Just a hunch that you have now confirmed," I retort looking him dead in the eyes silently daring him to challenge or contradict my statement.

Realizing that I am not one to back down, he let out a sigh. "Look whatever it is we are handling it, you don't have to worry," he assures clearly being cautious of how he phrases his words.

"That's not for anyone, but me to decide. Being worried about my brother's safety is my right as his sister! So, stop trying to reassure me that you're handling everything if I want to worry about him, I will!" By the time I come to the end of my rant a few rogue tears roll down my cheeks while my nose slowly starts to feel stuffed.

Without uttering a single word, he just pulls me into the security of his arms as tears of helplessness flow uncontrollably down my face.

"Shh, I promise everything is going to be fine. Xavier isn't in any form of danger. And I won't lie to you, we did face some security issues when he landed, but everything has been sorted out."

Despite the constantly flowing tears and heaviness in my head resulting in a mild headache, I hear him out and with every fiber in my being pray that the information he has just conveyed is true and accurate.

"I just want my brother back safe," I mumble into his shirt, sadness evident in my tone.

Hearing my words, he tightens his hold, gently squeezing me a reassurance. "He will be back before you know it," he says and I just nod in understanding.

"Everything okay back there?" A voice I immediately recognize as Jason asks. Breaking our hug, I turn to face him not before making sure that I didn't have any tears running down my face.

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