69: Details

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Quickly recovering from the shock at his sudden confession, my brows frown in confusion.

"I-I...Um...I thought you were in Italy," I comment while on the inside I'm jumping a squeaking like a little girl!

"Not since two this morning. I'm accompanying my dad on a business trip," he clarifies and I nod to myself.

"Oh," I mumble in acknowledgment. "So, you're already here?" I enquire as the butterflies in my stomach set themselves loose.

"Not quite. Dad has some urgent business in Argentina that couldn't be put off any longer. But if things go smoothly, I reckon we should be leaving by tonight or tomorrow morning at most," he explains, his Italian accent prominent in every word.

"You caught the perfect season to visit Argentina though," I remark as I try to turn a blind eye to all the gooey-lovey-dovey faces she's making at me.

"Especially here in Buenos Aires," he adds in agreement with me.

Our conversation from her on progress as it floats towards undefine destinations as we move from topic to topic without even realizing it. All through which I fail to wipe the smile curving my lips off my face!

I don't know how long we are talking for now, but to me, it seems like a couple of minutes. It's like when I'm talking to him, I have a never-ending supply of stories that I find relevant to our topic of conversation, and added with his sense of humor, I don't think I can ever get bored of talking to him!

"Oi! Xavier and Fallon just pulled up in the driveway," Lindsey informs, with her head still peeking through her window taking cover behind her curtains.

My eyes widen at her words, "I've got to go, talk to you later?" I blabber in a hurry as my nerves bundle up into a knot inside my stomach.

"Sure, I'll see you this weekend," he says before we hand it up.

Throwing my phone on her bed, I join her at the window intrigued to know what she's looking at. Spotting Xavier exit the car with Fallon soon joining him, I don't miss the almost invisible smile curving both their lips and the knowing look etch on Lindsey's face neither does she.

Pulling me to the side just as their heads snap towards our direction, I glance at Lindsey mirroring her wide-eyed expression. "That was a close one," she remarks after a fleeting moment.

"What do you look so perplexed about?" She enquires, indolently slumping down on her bed.

"You saw that right?" I ask for clarification. "Or maybe it's just me," I add as an afterthought in dismissal.

"No, I did too. But what about it?" She enquires further propping herself on her elbows.

"Nothing. I've never seen that look in Xavier's eyes before," I voice my observation.

"You'll get used to it," she dismisses, grabbing my attention.

"Are they always like that?" I wonder aloud causing her to facepalm herself.

"Are you blind?" She scoffs in disbelief.

"They like each other?" I ask like the oblivious dummy I am.

"Does a werewolf need a mate?" She replies rhetorically making me frown in confusion.

'What do werewolves have to do with Xavier and Fallon?'

"Yes. The answer is yes, a werewolf does need a mate," she adds flatly in clarification taking in my puzzled expression.

"Anyway, those two are a complicated pair. If cupid himself had to smack them in the face, they would still act like they don't have a single clue of their feelings for each other," she sighs shaking her head in disappointment.

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