You are strong

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*clears throat*

*shuffles**MIC testing 1, 2.... Wait there are no mics here.*
*awkwardly smiles* shit. *clears throat again*
Okiiieeee guyssss!

Sorry for that. That was just me being awkward. Haha.Ok. ok. Now. Without wasting time I'm gonna start off with the world's most and I mean THE MOST annoying and boring speech ever!
*Enter with caution **laughs evily*

Ok guys so, I know life is hard. I understand. Things are complicated. It's tough. It's not easy. Nothing in life comes easy.Bruh, I feel life is itself one jumanji game. Not only 2020 but life itself. Lol. But anyways.. what happens in the game? Tell me. All the characters face obstacles. Right? They all face it. They are scared shit less. Do they want to back off? YESBut do they back off? NONow you will say they had 3 lives each. Yes, but when this guy.. Umm.. what's his name? Wait, I forgot. Lemme Google. Wait a minute.

*goes and checks on Google*

Ah! Yes! Spencer. When Spencer had only one life, he was scared. He thought he couldn't do it. But he did it right? He fought so bravely. Now you will also say, they had different problems and you have different problems.

Yes, true, very true. Everyone has different problems. For some people it's life long. But you have to believe in yourself. You have to fight it. That's how life is. I know you are struggling but I also know you are strong. Very strong.

Also from the movie
'The lion king' there are these two quotes that I really love..
1. "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it." 2. "Look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become."It gets hard but you know what God has given you the strength to fight the hardships. You didn't know that right? Ha! I knew you didn't know. Let me enlighten you some more... See, there will be ups and downs in life. Your highs and lows. Days when you don't feel so good Days when you just wanna be alone, Days when you wanna just give up,Days when you feel hopeless, etc... But believe this all makes you a stronger person. A better person. Each day you fight you ARE getting stronger without even knowing it.. All these hardships, it all gives you a different perspective of life. You will get through whatever you are goin through ryt now.. Just dont lose hope.. Pweez.. Everything in life has its time.
Things will fall into place.
Things will work out... It will all be sorted one dayIf not now, maybe later... But it's not never...Also cry. Yes. Cry a lot. Let it all go away and not consume you.
If tears don't seem to come then have a staring competition with your cat. Do not blink ok. It is considered as cheating. Cheating is not good guys. Do not cheat in exams either......... *my subconscious looking at me dumbfounded*

Lol. Okok. Back to the point. Crying is good for you.
It's ok to cry. It's ok to fail. It's ok to feel hopeless. Thinking there is hope might feel unrealistic, but at the end you will find it. You will make through it. I know you will.So like the Superhuman you are!! When you know it's the time! Stand up! Get! Set! Andddd Go!!! I know you can do it! I believe in you! You just need to focus on yourself Focus on your growth. There is help around you.
Look and you will find people willing to help you. But also help yourself throughout the process, By just focusing on yourself....You ARE bootiful. You ARE strong. You ARE talented. You ARE worth it!!! You ARE a lot more than what you think you are!! Also also remember...
I luff you a lot. If you need a friend, I'm here for you :) *clears throat one list time I swear*

Thank you for reading this guys! Take care and Stay safe!♥️♥️♥️

Post by SanitizeYourHands

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