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Hey everyone!! This is taz2327 and I'm so excited to be writing another chapter for you guys. I couldn't put every topic in the title but here's what I will be going over...
•🙈Face Reveal & why🙈
•👀Netflix Shows👀
•🎵Songs Suggestions🎵
•😍Beautiful Things😍


Before I start I just want whoever is reading this to know this...


I've personally been having a really tough time lately and I'm not used to it! I have always been so happy and carefree but somethings have just been weighing on me and I'm just trying to find myself again.

I do know this and I will always know this. Even if you don't wear nice outfits everyday, or you don't brush your hair, or you woke up late, or you failed a test your doing amazing. I've always had a strong feeling that everyone in this world has worth. No matter what you've done you can be the worst person in the world you have worth. Because hurt people, hurt people. You have worth and nothing can take away from that.

Even if your a straight A student, your beautiful and you rock stylish outfits everyday your worth doesn't get bigger. Your kindness and happiness are what's important. Making yourself happy is the most important thing.

🙈Face Reveal & Why🙈

I've decided to do a face reveal here. I really think that insecurities are such a weight on a person. I had never had problems with insecurities. Then lately I started to look at myself in the mirror more and ponder my looks.

There's also been things in the past that I don't like about my body or I don't want to show. (I'm naturally pretty modest although I'll wear a bikini in the summer or shorts. But I refuse to post unmodest photos on social media)

I've started to get rid of any ideas that my body needs to be perfect. A tip that I learned is if you completely stop judging other people it's easier to stop judging yourself. (I'm in the process of learning how to 100% not a judge people and I have been working at it since summer)

You can't just drop insecurities or judgements it's all a process. If anyone wants to pm me to talk the process you can❤

Without further ado....
Here's me...

I posted this picture in my main account and everyone told me I was beautiful. The WHOLE time I restrained from making jokes about myself. (Like the joke I typed out then deleted on here cause I'm a hypocrite, "I don't wear makeup and apparently I don't brush my hair either😂") It was so nice to just sit on my bed and blush to myself when people complimented me and then just say "thank you". Instead of "thanks but eww I'm disgusting"

Learning to refrain from things like that is so empowering. Sometimes we say things like "I'm ugly" even when we don't mean it just because you feel like you have to.

👀Netflix shows👀

Since its officially December here's a list of Netflix movies/shows with Christmas movies mixed in.

The Christmas Chronicles 
This Christmas movie is super cute. It's non-religious but still loads of fun. It has a new spin on Santa Claus (he doesn't go "ho ho ho")

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