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One important thing is choosing the right friends as they are important in our lives.

True friends are like stars, you may not always see them but they are always there.

Fight for you
Respect you
Include you
Encourage you
Need you
Deserve you
Stand by you

A true friend has those characteristics. They will stand by you always. You don't only need them but they need you.

As a girl, it is becoming really difficult to find a true friend. I for example, some of my friends (ex-friends) were backstabbers. In a group of 8, 2 were jealous of one who was the only coloured in our school (we were all black, two Ethiopians). The year she got into the school everyone was all over her. A year later the jealousy went high to the point that the group split into two. The anger, hate and lies being spread was to much and the rest of the group that left the two. A group of friends will always have a one-on-one relationship with each other. You should be able to fight for your friend and possibly lose them just to defend your other friend. It is okay to have drama and arguments from friends. Fights in every relationship makes it stronger but having friends that give you bad advise, tell you lies and gossip to you about another friend you have to cut them down as they I probably gossiping about you to others as well.

Good luck in finding the right friends

Modiri 💕

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