🍶How to tell if you're hydrating enough~ Rylee🍶

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Hey guys! Rylee here! I was planning on doing another topic but I decided this one was more important and it might help you out. I have a brain disorder called Epilepsy. And with Epilepsy I have to hydrate a lot. At camp the counselors would always have us drink water with every meal before getting any other drink we wanted. And the staff had us drink water before and after activities. 💕

One year me and my sister went to different camp's for Epilepsy due to our age difference. While my sister was at camp her counselors taught her a couple ways to know if you're hydrating enough. So I'm gonna share those tricks with you. 🤗

1. Pinch your skin and then let go of it. If you're skin doesn't immediately go back to the way it was before your not hydrating enough.

2. Stick your arm out straight and look at your wrists. If you see your veins popping out them that means your not hydrating enough.

If there is more tricks on how to tell if you're hydrating enough or what I will add it on later.

But for now if you are not drinking enough water do one thing for me and drink some water. That's what me and my sister are about to do. And also thank you my friends for the prayers! Bye guys! 💜

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