day off routine~ Jane

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On some of the free days I have, I will just relax and took care of my body.

First, I put a face mask consists of one table spoon baking soda and one table spoon of water (trust me, it's good to whiten the skin. But don't put it way too long). It's smells, I know.

Then, I would put a hair mask. Usually, I would put natural aloe vera. Aloe vera is very good for the skin and hair. It will strengthen the hair and thicken it. And it will reduce acne while moisturing it.

Next, BODYSCRUBS! I don't do it often, but its nice to use it every once in a while.

I would let the hair mask sit for one hour. Then, I would shower.

You can use warm water too. After that, I will use a handmade face cream.

The ingredients :
-aloe vera (you can use gel, but I recommend you use the real deal)
- grape seed oil
-vitamin E
-sunblock(its optional, but use the type that Is safe to put on the face)

Here's how to make it :
If you use the real aloe...
•) cut down the aloe vera and wash it using clean water for a few minutes.
•) scrape the gel gently so it will turn into slime. There will be lots of it from only one piece of aloe. But you could blend the gel if you don't want to waste time. I recommend using the first one tho.

•) put the gel into a container. And add a few drops of grape seed oil. Mix it well.
•) add some vitamin E oil too and mix it thoroughly.
•) add sunblock too if you want.

If you use the industry made aloe vera gel, then the results would be a whitish cream.

But if you use the real natural aloe vera, then the results will be a slimmy, liquid with a weird smell.

You could aply it into your hands and other that is dry daily. After a few usage, it won't be cracked anymore.


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