How To Look More Photogenic

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  I do not own the image in the media


We are all beautiful but sometimes we aren't happy with our pictures, they are unflattering or think we don't look well on them.

So here are 10 very easy steps for looking more photogenic on pictures!

1- Your Good Side

Everyone has a good side and it's the side that looks better on pictures. If you don't know yours it's probably your left side because it's usually more photogenic but if it isn't try your right side. As soon as you now your good side show it to the camera for better pictures!

2- Selfies

If you're taking a selfie with friends or family don't position yourself the closest to the camera because you'll look disproportionately large. Instead stand on a even plane with the other people on the pic!

3-  Your Height

Take full-length photos from a lower angle. This will stretch your figure and make you look taller.

If you want to look taller on pictures this is the perfect tip for you!!

4- Deep Features

Tilt your head slightly when you're taking a picture so you don't face the camera straight-on / squarely. This tip will give more depth to your features!

5-Seated Pictures

If you're taking a picture while seated, ask the photographer to take the picture from above and raise your face to the camera.This tip will help define your jaw.

6- Fill the frame

Before posting the picture crop it so your body fills all the frame. This will create an illusion of vertical length which is beautiful!
This tip works if you don't want to show any monument or paysage behind you.

7-Relaxed Smile

To have a relaxed smile :
1) Close your eyes
2) Take a deep breath
3) Open your eyes right before the 'click📸 '
4) Smile

8- Perfect Grin

Put your tongue behind your teeth while smiling. This would avoid you to have a too wide grin and look a bit scary (I am the only one to whom it happens? 😂😅).
But most importantly make sure your smile is a real one and also smile with your eyes (am I the only one that does that?)

9-Red eyes

Sometimes red eyes just ruin everything and even when you try to fix them it doesn't work. To minimize the chance of having red eyes on a photo look at a light just before the picture is taken to shrink your pupils.

10- Say 'Money'

Don't get me wrong okay, I'm not a greedy person 💸😂😅but saying money instead of cheese is better because the hard sound of the 'e' at the end makes the corners of your mouth go up and your eyes crinckle!

I have a question for you gals :

Do you smile with your teeth (mouth opened) ?


Do you smile with your lips (mouth closed)?

Reply right here ➡️➡️➡️➡️

Hope you like these tips and they were helpful!

Lots of love


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