Glowing up | Body | Star

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Hello girls!

We all struggle with insecurities about our looks.

Even though, we may want to love ourselves it can be hard.

Know that you should try to love yourself from the inside out, but it is okay to make improvements.

You can be on a continuous glow up and still love the person that you already are.

For an exterior glow up, there are four things I want to focus on.

1.body and nails

In this chapter, I'll talk about the first major thing:


Don't even ask me how much I've struggled with it. In fact, I'm sure all of us have.

We know the solution to healthy bodies is daily workout.
But many of us don't seem to have enough time for it because of school/college.

But worry not. Ima help you.

In a workout, the body parts you need to focus on are:

Your limbs
(And people also prefer to do exercises for their "rear end" but I think I'll skip that)

Let's start with the limbs that are your arms and legs.

Following a simple work out routine will help you start to tone up your legs in about a month.

Following a simple work out routine will help you start to tone up your legs in about a month

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You don't have to do all of them

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You don't have to do all of them. But u have to do at least 10 of them everyday for the sake of toner legs.

And now the stomach.
That is something I struggle with the most. Ive been trying to get those abs but it just wouldn't work.
I understand why now.
Not only do u have to workout, you also have to see what you are eating.

Avoid eating foods that contain unhealthy oils.

If you're a schooler like me, then you know it's not easy to go eat salads and fruits all the time when you're fam's savouring delicious foods.

Try to eat healthier foods, and when you do splurge, do it in moderation.

Also another case for me is, My family won't let me eat in a diet. They tell me I'm alright and I don't need to look what I'm eating.
So if that's the case with you too, then what I suggest is that you eat what your family gives you in lunch, dinner etc . but, eat it in a limited amount.

Make a salad for your self and douse the rest of your hunger with it.

Then comes the junk food. Aah how much we try but still can't stop going for it right?

I know it's hard to so instead of stopping it completely, you can eat it in a very limited amount.
Like eat at McDonald's or wherever you prefer eating only twice in a month. Just promise it to yourself and you'll see the magic. For better results, only once a month. Come on, you can do it gurll!

Also try to avoid eating chips.

The worst thing. It'll ruin your hours of workout. I'm warning you.

Remember however you choose to eat, be sure you are eating.

Especially, if you are working out too.

Don't starve yourself; it can ruin your metabolism and actually make you gain weight.

Being hungry is NOT good.

Now, here's some exercises for the flat belly and abs:

Now, here's some exercises for the flat belly and abs:

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Again, You don't have to do all of them

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Again, You don't have to do all of them. Do some before going to bed or when you're free. It works wonders.

Caution: NEVER workout after eating lunch/dinner/breakfast.

I know it's not easy to get working but I'm sure if a girl decides to achieve something, she does. 

So don't give up girl. You can do it. 

Stay beautiful. Stay strong. 

till then, 



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