25 ways to give back this Christmas 🎄🎅🔔❄

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1. Bake and take Christmas cakes and cookies to nursing and retirement homes or elderly neighbors.
My sister,  babysitting charge and I used to do this and it really
brought so much joy to the people we gave to.

We made treats for a widow for thanksgiving and she was so happy she started crying.

We're still friends with her to this day because of that.

2.Whether it’s the elderly couple whose driveway needs shoveling or the single mom who could use a mother’s helper, you probably have someone on your own block who could use a hand. Your family may be able to offer the lifeline they need during the holiday season.

3. Make personal hygiene Christmas stockings for a local homeless shelter. Personal hygiene items can be bought in bulk fairly cheaply. Throw in some candy and hats, scarves or mittens with a hand-written note. 

4. Donate to a food bank
If you have little siblings,
Take them with you to the store with a list for the food bank, and let them pick out the items so it becomes more meaningful for them.

5. Organize a wrapping paper drive. Organizations that give out gifts during the holiday season are in desperate need of wrapping paper, gift labels, ribbons and bows to decorate their gifts to the needy. Get your friends and family together and ask for donations of these items, collect them and drop them off.

6.Buy cat litter, cat food, and dog food for your local SPCA, volunteer at your local animal shelter, or donate money to a shelter to cover the adoption fees of a family that comes in to get a dog for Christmas.

7.Make baby blankets for your local hospital. Fleece fabric blankets are easy to make and don’t even require any sewing!

8.You could also participate in Project Linus, which provides handmade blankets to children who are terminally ill or have been traumatized, or who could otherwise just use a warm blanket around them. You can participate by donating a handmade blanket to a nearby Project Linus chapter, or by donating online to help pay for shipping and material costs.

9. Deliver cookies to the employees at a fire station, police station, or hospital on Christmas Day.

10. Choose a child’s name off of a giving tree and pick out a gift  for them.

11.Ring bells for the Salvation Army.

12. Host a packing party for Operation Christmas Child, a ministry through Samaritan’s Purse that sends a shoebox of gifts/personal items to a child in a Third World country for Christmas—which is often the only gift the child will receive.

13. Take balloons or small gifts to the children’s ward of your local hospital. You probably won’t be able to deliver them to the children themselves due to privacy policies, but you can ask the nurses to deliver them or ask permission of the parents who happen to be present at the time.

14.Clean out your coat closet and take your old coats to a local shelter.

15. Give to Toys for tots
If you have little siblings, maybe they can donate some toys too.

16.Find individuals to help through local churches.

The church leaders of many congregations know of those families and individuals within their parishes that could use some help.  Go through a local church to locate those in need and ask how you can best serve them.

17.. Remember the “unsung heroes.”

Your mail person, garbage man, librarian, your favorite store checker…a lot of times we forget the people who are serving us every day!  Do something to show that you recognize and appreciate all their hard work.

18.Donate to the cause of your choice on behalf of someone else. If a loved one has suffered from Breast Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or any other ailment, you can make a loving donation in the name of a friend or family member that supports a cause close to your heart. Many people appreciate these kind of gifts instead of little trinkets that will break or be lost quickly after the season.

19..Put together a box for soldiers oversees. They need/want things that we take for granted. Shampoo, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, magazines, towels, Christmas decorations, candy, bottled water, tylenol, books, tampons/pads, lotion, chap stick, deodorant, phone cards, baked goods, beanie babies to give to children, the list goes on!

20.Sign up for a holiday-themed 5K run where the money goes toward a good cause.

Whether it’s a Santa Claus dress-up theme or a midnight run on New Year’s Eve, running for charity is always a good—and healthy—idea.

21. If you're old enough,
Contact the nearest Red Cross and go there to donate blood and save a life.

Donating blood is important throughout the year, but it’s particularly important during the holiday season when there are more accidents on the road. This is a bighearted way to give back.

22.Contact municipal offices and volunteer to clean up a local park, beach or other public space.

Making your home a nicer place is important during the holidays. You can do the same with your community by volunteering to pick up trash and litter in your neighborhood.

23.Leave sticky notes with positive messages in public place

24. Buy someone a small Christmas tree

25.And last, but certainly not least, the most precious gift you can offer the needy this time of year is your time. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated during the holiday season. Take a few hours out of your week and donate your time to local shelter programs, soup kitchens or other organizations that are overwhelmed with requests for assistance this time of year.

If there is love in your heart and your mind,
You will feel like Christmas all the time 🎼

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