How to deal with anxiety

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   “You are bigger than what is making you anxious.”  

Hi, I’m NastyHooman. This piece is for everyone out there who are struggling with anxiety during these hard times or usually do. 

Anxiety. It's hard to suffer from anxiety let alone during such times. Coronavirus, a specific word that doesn’t seem to leave us all. It’s plastered all over the Internet, everywhere. You hear about it 24/7 so remember being anxious right now is totally normal. We’re dealing with a global pandemic and it’s totally okay not to be okay. 

We see people posting their home workout or about a new language they’re learning, their cooking skills, diet and extreme productivity but this doesn’t make them superior to you. We don’t have to compare ourselves to others, we don’t, everybody adjusts differently and it’s okay to take your time. You don’t lack discipline, the era is hard enough without having the guilt of not learning a new language or not learning any new skill. If you just woke up today, fed yourself and took care of yourself it’s enough. And DON’T, DON’T blame your body for changing during these times. Stress eating is fine. You are under no obligation to come out as a better version of yourself after this quarantine. 

If the internet or social media is making you anxious remember that it’s just a glimpse, nobody shows the gloomy, frail part of their life on social media. And if they’re making you feel unworthy or hard to love, you have the whole right to unfollow them or log out of your social media for a few days. Try replacing such accounts with the positive ones. 

If you can’t, think of the things that have been making you anxious. Write them down in a journal or a piece of paper or talk to someone. It’s good to let things out. You can also go for a walk in neighbouring places but do wear a mask.

People who are stuck with family, it’s fine not to spend all your time with your younger sibling or your grandmother. Just because you have time doesn’t mean you have to give it to others.

If you’re a parent or a guardian/caretaker remember you’re doing your best by providing your kids with a roof, food and a bed to sleep. Take care of yourself too.

Since we’re all in lockdown a few positive impacts of coronavirus can also be seen. 

•Hong Kong and Taiwan were able to tackle the virus.

•China’s lockdown led to a 25% decrease in CO2 emission. 

•Satellite imagery shows a reduction in air pollution over countries where traffic has been limited.

•Animals and wildlife are making the most of quiet streets, parks and beaches. Among them are Thailand's rare leatherback turtles, which have built more nests on the quiet shores than at any time in the past 20 years.

Even in the worst of times positive things always happen. It’ll get better. Wash your hands, stay hygienic and please remember it may seem like it’s the end but it isn’t. Stay away from toxic things as much as you can, clear your head. 

Here are a few things I’ve been doing to pass my time. Hope you find something new ideas.

•Listening to soothing music

  Lewis Capaldi

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