You're a diamond | moving on playlist/advice

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Hey guys! Its Alex here! Long time no post right? haha, anyways today I wanted to do a music playlist for a breakup/moving on/being happier

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Hey guys! Its Alex here! Long time no post right? haha, anyways today I wanted to do a music playlist for a breakup/moving on/being happier. So awhile back I was in a relationship, and a real toxic one if I might add. It's been a quick minute since it ended but feeling the after affects of it is ALWAYS the hardest. I didn't move on from him in a day, lovelies . and that's what we all have to remember.

When people find out that I was in a relationship not too long ago they always ask the same question

"how did you get over him? how did you move on?"

Sometimes, it would hit me in the heart and I wouldn't know how to respond without breaking down. Now that I feel in my heart that this is what God wants me to say to those people that asked.

There's going to be 2 people in your life. One that makes you feel on top of the world and like there's nothing better than that moment, and the other that calms your soul to a point you describe. Often in life we confuse the two and think that the first person is whom we spend our lives with.

My ex, we're going to call him "Austin" he wasn't what God had intended for my future husband but I thought in my own thinking that he was mr perfect.

How I got over him wasn't when I was sitting at home watching hallmark and eating ice cream. I got over the boy that broke my heart by crying about it, thinking I was done with it, and screaming at God to heal me. I got over it by living in the mess of my life and continually beating on heaven's door for my healing & restoration. I moved on by staying in God's word and being enveloped in his presence. There were times throughout this process that I would fall asleep praying and just feel God in my room in ways I cannot describe . You don't heal in some glam way, you heal by letting GOD take your shattered heart and piece it back together.



Wrong by Cimorelli - I don't recommend listening to this if you're having a good day because I've put myself in a bad mood by listening to the wrong songs on a happy day.


Sunsets and heartbreak by Cimorelli 


Foreigner by Jen ledger -

Always puts me in a good mood!


Should've said no - Taylor swift(oldie but goodie dude)


No chains by KB


Heart of stone by Britt Nicole


Why by NF


Exhale by Ivan B


Sparks fly by Taylor swift


Fight song by Rachel Platten 

Find a balance in your music. Don't just listen to sad songs & think its going to help the moving on process speed up. I balance myself out by listening to let you down by nf  and then i'll turn on something uplifting or even a love song! But trust me ~ what you go through after a breakup is never going to be easy. In fact there's one song, that always makes me cry even till this day. And in my eyes I'm completely over my ex.  Remember: You will move on, and you will find someone that loves every messy and beautiful part of you. Right now focus on the good parts of life! and have faith in what will be 

one last song - You're gonna be ok by Jenn Johnson 

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