Easy and Cute Halloween Costumes

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Halloween costumes can be really fun and cute, whether you go trick-or-treating or not. Sometimes it's fun to have a costume ready in case of a costume party or if you're going to hand candy out to kids.
Here's some costume ideas that don't break the bank— and are mostly things you can find at home or from a store like Walmart.

1. Holy Cow

What you need:

A white shirt
An angel halo
Angel wings (optional)
Black construction paper

First, you cut some black paper out into the shape of cow ears (with a rectangular bottom piece you can use to fold onto the headband), then tape those onto the headband of your halo.

Then, you cut pieces of the paper in different blobbish roundish shapes, and tape those to your white shirt.
Finally, you put those on, and you're a holy cow!

(Alternatively, if you happen to have an avocado shirt you can just go with the halo and wings to be holy guacamole)

2. Witch

All you need to do is get a witch hat, preferably one that matches clothes you already have. Or, you could buy a hat and a Halloween shirt to match!

3. A cat

They sell plenty of cute headbands for different animals. You just get one and do your makeup to match that animal! The most popular are cats and deer.

4. Rosie the Riveter

What you need:

A red bandanna
A button up shirt— any will do.
Makeup (optional)

Do your hair up with the bandanna like this in or a similar way:

Roll up the sleeves of the button up shirt, flex your muscles, and there you go, you're Rosie the Riveter! "We can do it!"

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Roll up the sleeves of the button up shirt, flex your muscles, and there you go, you're Rosie the Riveter! "We can do it!"

That's it! Feel free to share more ideas in the comments section!


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