Hot Vs. Cool Showers ~ Lydia

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Personally, I love hot showers. Like, extremely hot. Just below the point of burning. Okay, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but I always take hot showers. I never take cold showers, but did you know taking a cold shower has benefits?

- it stimulates the immune system.
- it increases alertness.
- it helps prevents colds.
- it frees the mind.
- it stimulates anti-depressant hormones.
- it reduces hair loss.
- it makes your hair shiny (it won't look greasy, don't worry).
- it tightens your skin.
- it improves your circulation.
- it decreases inflammation.
- it boosts your metabolism (catch me taking cold showers all the time now that I know they help your metabolism).

If you still refuse to take cool showers, don't worry! Warm showers also have benefits.

- it relaxes muscles.
- it reduces fatigue.
- it relieves headaches.
- it reduces anxiety.
- it releases nasal congestion.
- it removes toxins from your skin.
- it opens your pores and this helps clean your skin.
- it helps you relax.

Cold and warm showers both have benefits. Cold has more, surprisingly. However, whether you take a cold or warm shower, you're still getting clean and taking care of yourself either way.

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