Unclie Si's Daughter

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Hey guys, this is my first Fanfiction!! Don't know if it will work out well, but it's worth a try!!


-Sky's POV-

Hi my name is Sky!! I'm 17 years old and I live in London, England!! When I was growing up I lived in Cheshire, Holmes Chapel to be exact and I hated it. School was a nightmare for me, I was picked on and tormented day in day out by Harry Styles. Yes, THE Harry Styles that everybody loves was my bully. He made sure that I hated my self and knew how worthless I was. I ended up getting seriously depressed and as much as I hate to admit it, even to myself, I started to self harm. Life was just so disappointing for me, all because Harry made it his mission to harm me, both physically and mentally.

When I turned 14, the bullying that I had endured since I was 8 was still going on and getting worse than ever!! I ended up having to be admitted to hospital when I tried to commit suicide 4 times. Harry still had it in for me and made sure to tell me each day how fat and ugly I was. Him and his friends beat me to the point where I couldn't face my family. I was practically purple all over and was full of shame.

A few years ago my whole family - my mum, dad, brother and sister - died in a horrible car accident in New Zealand, where I was living. We had moved from the UK about a month after my 14th birthday and i couldn't have been happier. I was left as an orphan with no family who would take care of me, my life was full of misery and I had no choice but to go to an orphanage. I really didn't want to, I couldn't stand the thought of having no freedom and letting other people nearly every move you made, but clearly, I had no choice.

For a couple of years I stayed at the orphanage and remained enrolled at school, but it wasn't enough. I got a few jobs working and random cafe's being a waitress, don't get me wrong, it was great work, but I really struggled to keep up with my school work responsibilities. All I wanted was to earn enough money so that I could leave, just go anywhere and start a new life, away from all the painful memories and crappy foster homes. I had to face the facts that all any parents want is a new born baby not a 15 year old who found life to be depressing and full of pain!!

Anyway, when I turned 16 I decided to try something new. I knew it was a long shot, but I got offered a chance to become a model, and call me crazy, but I was bloody excited to try it out.

It was just a simple photo shoot in gorgeous gowns, well so I thought. It turned out that the photo shoot was for SYCO, yes Simon Cowell's label and they basically wanted a fresh face for their new summer music ad campaign. I couldn't of been more nervous when I turned up and Mr Cowell himself was there to pick his favourite girl. Never in a million years did I think that he would pick me, plain old Sky Hudson, to be the face of SYCO, there was only one problem.

Simon had talked me all through what I would have to so that I could accept the role as a model and I was so buzzed and ready to fulfill my dreams of living a better life. When it came to signing my contract I had to get parental consent since I was under 18 and I had to leave to country, I thought that all I would have to do was get Suzy - my orphanage parent - to sign her name, but by law she was unable to do so. I was distraught when she told me and Simon was kind of shocked and probably fed up that he had just spent hours talking through the contract with me. I couldn't bear it anymore, I just ran to my room, life sucked.

A week later I learned that I was once again being adopted. I was scared, really scared. You never know exactly the type of people who are adopting you are and for all you know they are serial killers - not likely, but very possible.

Although I was panicking to the max, it turned out to be the best day of my life. The law stopped my Suzy from being able to sign my contract, but stated that if I was adopted, my adoptive parent(s) would be able to do so. Not only was I adopted, but my new 'dad' was Simon Cowell. Little did I know, this would come with many consequences.



Hey sorry if it's not good. When you read your own story you understand what you are talking about so you don't always put it the necessary detail. :)

If this gets reads, thank you, I appreciate it. (:

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