New Life

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"Hey, Sky come down here, bring your bags with you too!" Suzy yelled, man she could be obnoxiously loud sometimes.

"Coming" I yelled back trying to fight back tears. Today I was leaving the orphanage for good. I was being adopted this time not fostered, so life was going to change for me and at this point in time, I have no idea who is gaining custody of me and whether or not they are some kind of creep.

I grab my bags, gripping them so tight my usually tan knuckles become visibly whiter. As I stroll down the stairs taking up as much time as I can, it hits me that I am never going to see this place again, yet alone Suzy! She has been a great Mother figure in my life, she was the only person who truly cared about me and the only person that I trusted, I am really going to miss her.

As I walk closer to the door into the living room, the muffled voices of Suzy and who I'm guessing by the manly voice is my new Dad fill my ears. I try to remain quiet and listen to a bit of their conversation, wondering if they are talking about me, but of course I am quite the smooth mover and end up tumbling into the couch dropping my bags as I fall.

I squeeze my eyes closed in the hope that I went unheard, even though I knew it was impossible. I hear a deep manly chuckle erupt from other side of the couch and decide that it's time to make an appearance. I push up off my knees and stand in one swift movement, quite proud that I didn't fall back down to my bum. I turn around and make eye contact with the source of the chuckle.

" Oh My Gosh"

I stand there frozen, probably looking like a gaping horse, but in this situation I think my reaction was pretty smooth. Not only was I being adopted, but my new 'Dad' is Simon Cowell.

"Hi Sky, it's a pleasure to meet you again" Simon says as he professionally places his hand in front of mine. I decide to regain my composure and reach out to shake his hand.

"It's lovely to see you too Mr Cowell", no harm in being polite right??

" please, call me Simon, after all I am sort of your father now" he says, shocking me with his bluntness.

" right, hi...Simon" I say, Suzy just laughs awkwardly before picking up my bags and leading me out to Simons car.

- Simon's POV -

I could clearly see by the look on her face that Sky was shocked. I followed behind Suzy who was carrying Sky's bags to my car and started to think about how my life was going to change. I have a daughter, I have a teenage daughter. What is the world going to think?? I also feel quite selfish. The reason that I decided to do this in the first place was so I could have her as SYCO's new model, but after meeting her a second time I feel guilty. It's not right to use a girl like that, I mean, she's been through a lot already from what I hear, can I really do this to her??

On the upside, I will be giving her a better life. Let's face it I'm rich and I'm in a stable position to care for her, I just hope she understands.

"Simon...Simon are you okay" Sky asks sweetly.

"Oh... yeah I'm fine, just thinking, are you ready to go??" A smile instantly appears on Sky's face as I gesture for her to get into my Range Rover. She hugs Suzy and whispers a good bye just loud enough for me to hear, should I really rip her away from her life like this, does she even want to come and live with me on the other side of the world, in England??

I hesitantly say farewell to Suzy before checking that everything was loaded into the car and joining Sky in the front. "Do you have everything??" I ask making sure that Sky is definately ready to go.

"Yea...I think so" she replies simply, is she nervous or does she not want to come?? As I start the car and pull out if the driveway, my conscience doesn't leave me alone.

- Sky's POV -

Simon and I begin driving to the airport and man it was awkward. The whole time he just sat their staring out the window and to be honest it worried me. Is he having second thoughts?? Does he not want me to live with him now that he's met me a second time?? My mind goes frantic with negative thoughts and I hold back a sigh of relief as we pull up to the airport.

I guess this is where it all starts, I'm going to live in England!!



Hey there, well just thought I would say that this story is not based on being me, but we have similarities!!

Thanks for reading :)

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