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Dedicated to @beckyisawesome for commenting on the last chapter :)

~ Sky's POV ~

It's about 11am now and I'm still in my room, reliving the moment Harry kissed me. I can still feel my lips tingle and I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. I really hope that it's not awkward, I mean, if what Harry said last night is true, then I know he likes me, but he thought I was asleep, maybe he was tired, maybe he was confused. Maybe he was talking to Louis?? Now I'm doubting everything, there's no way Harry likes me, I'm not good enough.

"Hey Sky, you coming down for breakfast??" Liam yells up the stairs, breaking my train if thought completely.

"Yea, one sec." I scream back, equally as loud.

I quickly slip into my ugg boots that Simon bought me before jogging down the steps for pancakes. We seem to have had pancakes a lot lately, I guess it's all the boys like to eat in the morning. Me too, so I'm not complaining.

"Morning Sky" Louis says whilst smiling brightly, causing the smile to come back onto my face.

"Morning Lou, what are we doing today??"

"Actually, we were thinking that we should take you to a theme park, just before we both start working again next week."

"Sounds great. What time were you thinking??" I ask whilst shoving food into my mouth.

"After breakfast??" Louis replies in a questioning tone. To be honest, these boys are the best. They always make sure that I enjoy everything that we do. I really love them, just one of them more so than the others.

"Awesome, I'll just get changed then I will be ready to go." By this time I've finished my breakfast so I quickly jog upstairs and change into some tight black skinny jeans, a slightly oversized blue knit sweater, a blue beanie and scarf.

When I get back down stairs I instantly come face to face with Harry. I expect home to say something or at least be awkward, but no, he just smiles and walks past. That seemed strange, but I guess Harry isn't exactly an awkward person.


As we pull up to the theme park, the rides are all I can see. Everything's so big and colourful, but all that's on my mind is Harry and that god damn kiss. He hasn't said a thing to me since he left my bedroom, not even after I sat next to him the whole 25 minute car ride here. I guess that the kiss meant nothing to him, that I was just another one of his flings. I guess that's all I will ever be to anyone, it's what I always have been. No one ever took me seriously and I have a feeling that's not about to change.

After Liam pays for all of our entry and mass amount of tickets, he gives us a cute little brief and what not to do while we are here. We have 2 guards with us, but they will keep their distance unless a problem occurs. It's a school day today, so there shouldn't be many fans here, although I wouldn't mind, I know the boys love them.

Everyone seems to disperse after that. Liam and Niall head to the food area, Harry and Louis head off to some shooting games and I'm left alone with Zayn, not that I mind, he's really sweet.

"So I guess it's just you and me then Sky" Zayn states with a smile. I feel a bit hurt, maybe even used. It's almost like Harry is happy to kiss me, but when we're in public, he doesn't know me??

"Yea, where shall we go first?" I ask Zayn politely, although my mind is still wondering. I knew it was too good to be true, I knew Harry didn't really like me. Why would he?? I'm not special.

Zayn and I head off, ready to spend the day together having fun.



I ended up having a pretty good day with Zayn. We went on so many rides and ate so much candyfloss and my mind wandered to Harry only a few times. We ended up seeing the boys a couple of times, and not once did Harry look at me. He either walked in the opposite direction or avoided my gaze all together.

Right now we are all meeting up to go on the Ferris wheel before we leave and I can't wait. The night looks beautiful amongst all of the twinkling lights of the rides, especially when you're up at the top of the wheel.

As all six of us stroll up to the man collecting tickets, we pair off to fill the two seats in each capsule.

Zayn and Louis

Liam and Niall

Me and Harry??

Harry asked to sit with me and I must admit, it confused the hell out of me. He's been ignoring me all day and now decides to do one of the most cliché and romantic rides with me?? Talk about mixed messages!!

The other boys are off first, slowly travelling up into the dark sky. When it comes to be Harry and I next, he carefully grabs my hand and pulls me down so I'm sitting right next to him, no space between us.

We both jerk forward as the ride takes off and Harry squeezes my hand even tighter. The silence gets awkward about 1/5 of the way up, so I decide to break it, before I go insane.

"It's so beautiful isn't it??" I say whilst looking up at the sky.

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Harry states looking straight at me.

"Harry Styles, did you just use the cheesiest line in the book??" I ask with a giggle.

"Only for you Sky, because it's the truth." My smile falters, what is he doing?? It's like he's playing a game, and I don't like it.

"What are you doing Haz?? One minute you kiss me, the next, it's like I don't exist?? Not to mention that you've been ignoring me all day!!" I say with a frown and a stern voice. He better not be trying to hurt me again.

"It's not like that Sky. I really like you, I really do. It's're you."

"I'm me?? What does that mean Harry?? Do you not like who I am?? Does it bother you??"

"No no no, nothing like that. I mean... You're just, you know, p-perfect and I wasn't sure if you know, y-you wanted me to talk to you." He stutters his words and has a lopsided grin on his face.

"Me, perfect?? Harry, you're an international popstar, you're in the worlds most recognised boy band and not to mention how well you did in the looks department." I blush at the last part, I can't believe I said that to his face, now his ego will be boosted even further.

"You think I look good Sky??" He turns back into his cocky self and a smile reappears on my own face.

Before I have time to answer his lips are on mine for the second time today. His left hand caresses my cheek whilst his right rests on my hip. Our lips move in sync for what feels like forever and I can't help but get lost in his touch. As we pull apart I realise that we are at the top of the wheel and Harry's hands are still resting on my face and hip. His smile is wide as he leans back into his former position, grabbing my hand once again and rubbing his thumb along my palm. We continue on the ride in a blissful silence, Harry never letting me go.

What a great way to end the day.

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