Let It Commence

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This chapter is dedicated to @onlyfanfics because she made me my gorgeous cover and I told her I love her :)

~ Sky's POV ~

As soon as I shut my bedroom door I could hear Harry slamming around. It was like I could feel his anger radiate through the walls, and honestly, it scared me.

Since he came back into my life, I've always been a bit wary of his temper, never wanting to get Harry mad. I know what he is capable of, I know what kind of pain he can cause and what power he has in his hands alone. He's scary when he wants to be, and when he doesn't.


I woke up after a restless nights sleep to a dark and gloomy sky. I decided to start the day with a shower, hoping to wash away Harry's touch from last night. I still can't believe that happened. I wish it didn't.

I let the boiling water open up my pores and run down my naked body. As much as I try to focus on the boys and how much positivity they have brought to my life so far, I can't help but let my mind wonder to every single imperfection. Before I know it, I've hastily scrambled out if the shower, searching every cupboard in a desperate attempt to find my blade. I was manic, pain pulsing through every passage of my body. I hate this feeling, the one of weakness and pure desperation. I'm panting, completely lost in my head and unsure of my surroundings, plunging the sharp object into the soft skin of my left wrist. Swipe after swipe I watch the blood enter the drain, realising that I've stepped back into the small cubicle. Once my left wrist is as marked as possible I move on to the right. I don't know why I'm doing this, is it out of sadness? Fear? Whatever it is, it has a hold on me and it's scary.

~ Liam's POV ~

All us boys are sitting down stairs on various couches, eating various things. Harry's been up for ages, just sitting in the lounge. He seems a bit out of it to be honest, but I think it's better to leave him be.

I can faintly hear the shower going upstairs, meaning Sky is awake and will be down soon. I decide to sort out the days happenings with the boys so we each know what we will be up to.

"So guys, what's everyone up to today?" I get a blank look from Harry, and a very mischievous smile from Louis.

"We'll LiLi, if you must know, Eleanor and I are having a special day today, if you know what I mean..." Louis winks in my direction, very provocatively I might add. I can't help but cringe as my mind comes up with all sorts of gross thoughts and images. Louis sees my face and starts laughing, what a twat.

"Well I'm going shopping today Liam. I need some new shoes and I broke Zayn's photo frame last week, so yea..." Niall adds ignoring Louis completely. I can't help but smirk at the memory of him breaking Zayn's frame, I love these boys. I nod solemnly at Niall before looking at Zayn for his own reply.

"I haven't really got much planned, but I don't feel like staying in. What about you Li, you heading out?" I take a second to think about how to word my plans. Dani and I broke up not that long ago and I don't know how the boys will react when I tell them that we are going to talk over coffee today. I have high hopes for our relationship, and I hope the lads feel the same.

"I uhm, well I'm going to go see Dani. She called last week and I'm kinda hoping that means we can get back together." I look up timidly, but my mouth stretches into a grin as I see three of my best mates looking happy for me. Harry still has his head down and I can tell he hasn't paid attention at all.

"That's great Liam, I'm really happy for ya, but I better head off. See ya lads, have a good day" Louis smiles at us all, giving Harry a strange look when he sees his negative posture. I just shrug at his questioning glance and wave him off with Niall and Zayn.

"Harry, what about you?? Are ya up to much today" I ask trying to get a reaction.

"Hmm, what did you say?" Harry's head shoots up at the mention of his name, he looks exhausted with big black bags under his eyes.

"I asked if you were doing anything today. Are you okay??"

"Nah, I'm just staying here I guess, and yea I'm fine, not that it's any of your business." His jaw clenches as he slightly snaps the last few words in my direction. What the hell is wrong with him?

"No need to be rude mate, I'm just worried about ya." I can see Niall looking uncomfortable, he's never been one for conflict. I decide to end the possible argument there, simply by bidding my goodbyes and following Zayn and Niall out the front door. I hope he sorts himself out before Sky comes down.

~ Harry's POV ~

I feel slightly bad for getting moody with Liam, but I have my problems that don't concern him. It bugs me how involved everyone seems to be in my life and my past. If I want to hate people, I'll hate people and there is nothing any of the guys can do about it.

Within minutes of the lads leaving, Sky emerges from upstairs. Her hair is still slightly damp and wavy and she's wearing long black leggings and an over sized red jumper, in fact, I think it's Zayn's. She looks nervous, and to be honest, she should be. She made me so angry last night, throwing my attempts to be nice right back in my face. What a bitch.

"M-morning H-Harry." As she stutters out her words I can't help but smirk. It feels kinda good to have her fear me again, to the point where she can't speak. I like being in control, and that's exactly what I am.

She puts her head down when I don't reply and makes her way to the kitchen. Sky fiddles around in the fridge, obviously not knowing what's inside. Normally we have Simon's various assistants to do that stuff for us, but they've headed out to help Simon, with Sky's endless convincing that she'll be fine at home with us. The noise she's making by moving things around soon gets to me and I can feel my jaw clench. I know I shouldn't be angry, but when it comes to Sky, all of my emotions are heightened.

"Can you just pick something out and eat it already" I yell as I slam my fists on the coffee table in front of me. Her head snaps it my direction and her eyes fill with fright. As bad as it sounds, I quite enjoy feeling so powerful again, I haven't experienced this since I was younger.

I abruptly stand up and stride over to the large kitchen doorway. Sky has seated herself at the counter with a jam fill croissant, but she's acted weird. I watch her as she nibbles away, constantly fiddling with her sleeves, pulling them around and occasionally wincing. She's done it again, I just know it. Anger boils through my body for the billionth time this morning, and before I know it, I'm at eye level with Sky, my hands tightly gripped around her wrists. I know that I'm hurting her, but I can't bring myself to care.

"What the fuck are you doing Sky?? Are you that fucking stupid and weak that you can't just deal with stuff without slicing your fucking wrists open??" I know that would have hurt her, not just physically.

"What m-makes you think t-that Harry??" I know she's trying to play innocent, but I know her too well.

"Show me your wrists!"


"Show me your bloody wrists!" My voice is demanding and she cowers in fear, me still gripping her tightly. Up until now she's been quite calm, but I can see her start to panic.

"NO Harry!" Her voice is forceful, and that angers me further.

I shove Sky up against the wall, pulling her sleeves revealing cut after cut after cut. They're all the way up her arms, what the hell is she gonna do about work?

Her squirming is starting to piss me off too, why the hell is she resisting me? I raise my fist to her face and she turns her head closing her eyes.

I can't believe I'm going to hit her.



Hey guys thank you so much for the amazing number if reads, comments, votes etc

I think it's fair to say that I love you all and we should get married!!

Keep voting and commenting, please and thank you :)

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