Being Wowed!!

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~ Sky's POV~

Simon and I enter the airport, two of his assistants processing our luggage whilst we justcasually stroll through the necessary gates. People everywhere are staring and it is really starting t creep me out, I mean I know that I am here with Simon Cowell and all, but you think that they realise staring is rude!!! I feel sorry for famous people nowadays, they never have any privacy, but the thought doesn't bother me as a person, I know that being with Simon will add pressure, but I can handle it.

Soon enough my new dad and I are being directed to the plane entrance and then to the first class section, may I say, it is mighty fine up here!!

"Are you okay there Sky" Simon asks, he obviusly noticed my amazement. I simply smile and nod in reply before taking my seat as calmly as I can.

I've never really been a fan of flying, the few times I have been on a plane, there has been turbulance and to be honest it scares me. My whle family died by the crash of a car, imagine the impact of a whole plane. I feel myself start to quietly hyperventilate, I don't want Simon to see my panic, he can't know that I am truly week and frightened of life. If I show my true colours he won't want me at all, he'll just send me home, back to the orphanage before we even make it t the U.K. I need a fresh start, a new chance, the memories I have in New Zealand are all sad and full of hurt, Simon giving me this chance, it fills me with joy, I don't want this to be ripped away from me too.

My breathing is still heavy, but I refuse to let Simon see. I'm not really a religious person, but I find myself praying. Praying to God, begging him to give me strength. What if i have a panic attack, right here, right now?? He will surely ditch me as quick as he adopted me.

"Hey Simon, when are we taking off?", Oh God my voice sounds so shaky.

"In about a minute, are you ..." He is soon cut off by the pilot telling us to do up our belts and sit back and relax, yea, as if that it is possible. Simon smiles and clicks his buckle and  I soon realise I'm just staring at him, I can't find my voice, I'm going to die, this is it. My body is going to colapse and I am going to die on this plane before it even takes off. Worry fills Simon's eyes and that is the last thing I see before I drift into a state of unconciousness.

~ Simon's POV ~

I can see the panic in Sky's eyes as soon as I answer her question. Is he scared of planes?? What should I do?? Do I try and reassure her?? I am soon pulled out of my thoughts by a jerk of the plane followed by a small thud. I look to my right to see Sky's body limp in her seat. Crap, first day of being her dad and I have already messed up. I quickly unbuckle my seat belt and kneel down infront of her chair. I call the nearest flight attendant to help me, we are already in the air, there is not much else I can do.

We soon get Sky settled into her seat, still out cold, but safely buckled in and surrounded by cushions. I can't take my eyes off her!! She is now my daughter, I, Simon Cowell, have a bloody daughter. I can almost garuntee that somewhere in the world I was voted the least likely celebrity to have a child, and for a while there, I would have agreed, but  meeting Sky and being able to give someone this life opportunity, I feel like I am doing some good and instead of just helping her, I know for a fact that this will help me in the long run too.

~ Sky's POV ~

My head is pounding and my eyes weigh a tonne, but I want to wake up. I brace myself for poss ible bright lights and loud noises, but when my pupils do adjust, I'm in a dimly lit space. I know I am moving, so I instantly rule out a house or hotel, but I'm definately on a plane anymore. I sit up trying to see where on earth I am, but my body faiIs ( A/N MY BODY FAILS I'M ON MY KNEES, PRAYIN, sorry)me and I just fall back down to my original position. I decide to just call out, I'm probably with Simon anyway.

"Hello??" My voice was croaky, but loud enough I'm guessing, because in no time a small window seperating me from the driver of the car - I have established that I am in a car - rolled down at an excruciatingly slw speed, revealing a well dressed man, that certainly wasn't Simon.

"Um... who are you??" I asked as politely as I could, I mean right now I should be panicing right?? Throwing a fit whilst asking what he wants with me?? I decided against that, because after all, in the movies, this just causes the victim to be punched in the face or pistol whipped, I'd rather not.

"Hello miss, glad to see you are awake. I am Mr Cowell's driver Jeffery and I'm afraid he has been called to a work related matter, but don't fret, my instructions are to return you to your new home and to help you settle in." He was a very polite man, but his whole vocabulary seemed to posh for me, I was used to 'drivers' telling how much money they wanted and leaving it at that. I guess I'd have to get used to this with being Simon Cowell's new daughter and all.

I just decided to smile back equally as polite and mutter a thank you followed by a long yawn. Jeffery took the liberty of also adding that we have now arrived at our destination, which made me giggle, this dude is too up tight.

I stepped out of the very fancy and very sleek vehicle and my eyes widen in shock as i see what my new home is like. BLOODY HELL.

Jeffery chuckles behind me, making me 1, jump and 2, realise that I said my previous statement out loud. I notice my bags in his hands and I mentally prepare myself to enter the extravagance that is my new home.


( A/N Hey so I hpe this chapter is up to standard or whatever, but the next one will probably reveal more about Sky and Simon and her future.)

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