Explanations and scares

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~ Harry's POV ~

I can see that I have a lot of explaining to do. All four of my best friends are sitting around the table, just waiting to tell them what is going on.

"Can you please justify all that just went on in that room Harry? How do you know Sky and more importantly, what the hell did you do to her?" Liam grunts out, wow, I don't think Liam has ever been this blunt.

Before I start, I make eye contact with each of the boys. They all have the same questioning and impatient look, except for Louis, he also looks upset. Why would he be sad, what have I done now??

"Well uh...boys, I kind of already know Sky, from a while ago though. We went to school together, until she moved away." I didn't want to go into detail, I don't want them to know what an idiot I was when I was younger. Maybe they will be satisfied enough just knowing how I knew Sky, maybe, just maybe?

~ Louis' POV ~

You could tell Harry was hiding something, he avoided half of Liam's question and is now looking around nervously.

We are suppose to be best friends, and the fact that he has hidden stuff from us, from me, well it down right hurts. It's actually causing physical pain sprouting near my heart. From what he was saying to Sky earlier, he must have done some pretty bad stuff, in fact, I have a feeling that we are about to find out.

"Stop avoiding it Harry, why were you apologising to Sky, just bloody tell us, tell me?!" I can't hold back with him right now, I may be overreacting a little, but he has been lying a lot lately, deceiving us all, it has to stop.

His mouth opens and closes repeatedly as he tries to form a sentence in his mind, right now though, he sort of looks like a fish. Why can't he just spit it out?? It can't be that bad.

~ Liam's POV ~

I can see and hear that the boys ate starting to get impatient especially Louis.

You see, for the past few months, Harry's been getting a lot of media attention for all of the wrong reasons. Sleeping around, being drunk at clubs and not to mention dating women nearly 3 times his age. No one really knows what is up with him, just that he needs to quit it and grow up before he seriously damages himself or someone else.

~ Harry's POV ~

As Louis asks me to explain for the second time, I start to find formulating words quite difficult. How do you explain to your best friends that you once use to beat up an innocent little girl, that you used to torment her and hit her until she either begged for you to stop, or was lying there lifeless on the ground. Of course they're gonna ask why I did it and that's the worst part, I have no answer. No fucking answer. At first it was just a little fun, nothing serious and the abuse was only minor, but then when I should have just stopped, I didn't. In fact I just made it worse.

I feel so much guilt, for everything I did to her. There would be times when I would look into her eyes trying to intimidate her, but would instead get lost in the beauty if her shining orbs. She made me feel weak and I hated that, but as I've grown up I've come to realise that it wasn't weakness that I felt looking into her eyes, it was love. Maybe not full blown, lets get married love, but a mild form at least. We may have been young, but she had always been beautiful and she was always so kind. If I wasn't so arrogant back then, maybe we could be something now??

~ Zayn's POV ~

We could all tell that Harry had completely gone off into a little dream world, so that's why I think we were all so shocked by what he told us next.

"We'll boys, you see, when I was younger I was a different person. I kind of, was a bully. I did some pretty bad things and i hurt Sky, a lot." We all collectively gasped before he continued..

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