Kiss Me

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~ Sky's POV ~

It's been about a week since I got out of the hospital and Simon is away. He's off in America, taking care of some X factor business. I thinks it's so strange that my 'dad' is famous, it's cool, don't get me wrong, but it's strange.

Harry has been trying really hard. He's done everything for me that I couldn't do myself, and he's just been there. It's quite awkward being in a house with 5 boys and even more so when they all give you their attention, constantly.

My feelings for Harry still confuse me. They've grown stronger and they're starting to feel more like love. He's just been so sweet, cleaning up after me when we eat and just always checking to make sure I'm okay. He has definitely changed and I think that deep down, I already knew that.

Currently, we are all on the couches watching a movie. It's about 11pm and I'm starting to get tired. I push myself up from my place in between Harry and Louis and prepare to go to bed.

"Goodnight guys, have a good sleep." I say sweetly whilst offering them all a smile.

I hear a few "good nights" in return and I get a cheeky smile from Harry. As I make my way up the stairs I start to feel even more tired, to be honest, I can't believe I've even lasted this long. I've been up since 3 this morning and the same everyday for the past week. I've been finding it difficult to sleep with so much on my mind, Harry being the main thing.

Harry. Gorgeous, kind, beautiful, caring, handsome Harry. He's really won me over. I would tell him how I feel, but he wouldn't feel the same, no way. He's moved on to bigger and better things, he's famous now and he can have any one in the world. Not only that, but he wouldn't want me, who would?? I cut, I have depression and if I feel alone, it drives me insane. He doesn't need this baggage in his life, I'm surprised the boys have stuck around since the hospital incident.

I've just made it to my room and I am currently changing into my pyjamas. I love my pyjamas, just one of Harry's huge shirts and some shorts, I feel free. As I peel back my covers and slide into bed, I hear the tv go off downstairs, I guess I should have just stayed until the end of the movie, too late now.

My eyes start to close, but not before I feel an extra weight lay down beside me. Of course being the girl I am, I freak out that it could be some mass murderer, so the only thing to do is to keep my eyes closed and pretend to be asleep. My fear soon disappears as Harry's husky voice fills my ears.

~ Harry's POV ~

As the movie finishes and the boys and I head up to our rooms, I decide that it's time to grow some balls and to tell Sky how I feel. As I approach her room I psych myself up and prepare to admit all, but as I sit on her bed, I realise that she's already asleep. I guess this makes things easier on my part, I can practice telling her my feelings whilst she's sleeping. Before I do, I look at her closely. Her hair has slightly fallen down her cheek and I have to resist pushing it away, her lips are as red as normal, she naturally looks like she's wearing lipstick. She's so beautiful, I'm so glad Simon found her.

"Hi Sky, I know you're asleep and all, but I need to tell you some stuff. First if all, you're so beautiful, so so beautiful." I feel kind of stupid, but looking back at her, I instantly feel...more normal.

"I've had these...feelings for you Sky, really string feelings and no matter how hard I try, they won't go away. Ever since I first saw you again, I knew that I had been given another chance to do things right, unlike last time. I was such a bad guy back then and I want you to know that I regret everything. I think I love you now Sky, and I just hope that you love me back." As my little speech draws to a close, I find my hand brushing always the hair that I was so desperately trying to resist touching.

Soft snores come from her slightly parted mouth and instead of leaving I just take off my shirt and lay down next to Sky, looking at her beautiful face one more time, I fall into a deep slumber next to her.

~ Sky's POV ~

Last night was the first night I have slept through in ages, and I think I know why. I remember listening to Harry's little speech whilst his voice soothed me to sleep, but I heard it all and I was shocked. When I woke up he was still next to me, but there was not a chance that he would be waking up soon, so I decided to take a shower.

I quietly made my way over to the bathroom and stripped down whilst waiting for the water to heat up. Once I had washed my hair and brushed my teeth, I changed into a crop top and leggings knowing that if we decided to go out, I would change.

As I emerge from the bathroom feeling fresh, I see that Harry is no longer in my bed. I figure that he left, but as I take a step further, hands grab me around my waist. I squeal in shock, but straight away know that it's Harry.

"Good morning beautiful" harry whispers against my neck, still holding me close.

"You scared me half to death Harry, you're so shameless" I joke, well half joke as he really did scare me.

"Sorry Sky" he mutters, still not loosening his grip on my waist, but lifting his face so he's looking me in the eye.

I feel like I should say something about last night, that I heard what he said and that I feel the same, but what??

I'm still staring in his eyes, they're so green. They sort if captivate me and make me say what comes out if my mouth next.

"Harry, kiss me."

He doesn't hesitate and soon his lips are on my lips giving me the most passionate kiss I have ever had. His mouth is so soft and I feel myself getting lost.

To think that when we were younger Harry would be hurting me and now, here we are, kissing in the doorway of my bathroom.

When Harry pulls away we are both slightly out of breath. One of his hands remains on my waist, whilst the other made its way up to my cheek. He's just staring at me now and I'm staring back, neither of us saying a thing. He doesn't even attempt to hide his smile and I bet I look the same.

"Morning Sky.... Oh, um, I'm sorry" Louis starts before backing out if my room with a massive smirk in his face. Dork.

"Well, as much as I'm enjoying this, I should probably go and get ready, bye Sky." Harry states before leaving a departing kiss on my cheek. I watch as he picks his shirt up off of the floor and strolls out of my room, winking at me and leaving me standing like an idiot. God that kiss felt good.



Hey guys, thank you sooooo much for the reads and votes!! I love you loads!!!

I hope this chapter was okay and in so glad they finally kissed!! Woo hoo

Thanks again :)

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