Settling in

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Jeffery leads me into the house whilst lugging my bags behind him. It is very stylish and I would put money on the fact that the interior designer Simon hired was very expensive.

Black and white walls with well placed matching furniture and not to mention how comfortable the carpet looks, do I even need a bed??

It is so elegant in here and I feel out if place in my sweats, tank top and bun on top of my head. I guess it's going to take a while to properly settle in, but I'm not giving this chance up.

" excuse me miss, but is everything alright" there goes Jeffery, continuing to be polite.

" oh, yeah I'm fine thank you, just shocked" I reply trying to sound the slightest but posh.

" very well then, how would you like me to lead you to your room, it is after all quite a late hour here in England??" I can't help but giggle as I politely nod in reply, quite a late hour, seriously this guy is funny.


After following Jeffery up a flight of stairs and walking past at least five other rooms, I find myself standing outside my new bedroom. The door is a nearly polished wood which matches the carpet perfectly and the handle is a sleek black. I hope that Simon hasn't gone to much trouble sorting out my room, I would be fine with anything really, but as I open the door I see that he really has.

The walls are a light almost lavender purple. They perfectly match my personality in that they aren't too girly, but at the same time can't be mistaken for a boys colour. The carpet and bed spread are the same sort of purple and the four poster bed is a lovely coloured white frame. There is another two doors leading off into seperate sections, one of which is open. Inside there is a huge walk in wardrobe which I couldn't fill even if I put in every clothing item I ever owned. I back out of the closet, my mouth hanging open in awe, Jeffery is still standing there and motions slightly with his head to the other door. I walk over slowly I'm pretty sure my mouth is still open, but who cares, I'm in a state of shock. I wouldn't be suprised if behind that door I found bloody Narnia or something. I cautiously push open the white door revealing the largest bathroom I had ever seen. It was completely decked out, with if course a toilet, a shower, a basin and not to mention a bath tub with was practically a spa pool. I take a mental note to ask how to use those jets at some point tomorrow.

Jeffery clears his throat causing me to turn around and come face to face with him. He is much closer than I thought he would be so I jump back slightly, but I regain my composure trying not to be rude.

" I have placed your bags next to your bed and made your presence aware to the other members of the house so now I am off, but will see you again miss Cowell." What?? Other members of the house?? Jeffery turns to leave, but I quickly stop hime before he is out the door.

"Wait, Jeffery!! Who else is here at the moment??" Did that sound rude, crap it probably did.

"Oh, I apologise, I was unaware that you had not yet been informed. You not only live here with your father, but also a cook, Michelle and two maids, Erica and Shelly. Not only that, but your neighbours to the left are one of your fathers bands, One Direction who tend to invite themselves in ever such a lot." Jeffery adds an eye roll and a slight smile at the end of his answer, I'm guessing he either doesn't like these boys very much or he was.....joking??

With that Jeffery scurries out of my room not giving me time to reply. Oh well, I'm tired anyway.

I don't bother changing as I am already in sweats and a tank and I just curl up beneath my covers allowing a deep slumber to overtake my exhausted body.

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