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~ Louis' POV ~

I am so confused. One second we are all introducing ourselves, next Sky is excusing herself from the table nearly in tears. Why would that name mean anything to Harry anyway?? Maybe I should ask, yeah Louis that would be the smart thing to do.

" Harry, why did she say 'Sky Hudson' to you then leave??" Someone had to ask, the confusion was evident on all the boys faces.

~ Harry's POV ~

"Sky Hudson" as soon as those two words left her beautiful mouth, my heart sunk.

There's no way that's her. Well actually, now that I think about it; she hasn't changed much. She still has those gorgeous blue eyes, long blonde, wavy hair and not to mention her perfectly pink heart shaped lips. Why the hell didn't you recognise her Harry, and shit, I was the biggest dick to her at school. She hates me, I mean she has to right. Sky can't possibly forgive me for what I did to her, I don't even forgive myself.

" Harry, why did she say 'Sky Hudson' to you then leave??" Louis asked the question that I'm sure was running through all of the boys minds.

Do I tell the truth?? Will the boys think I'm a terrible person, because, well, I am. They will surely hate me just as much as Sky does if I tell them what memories her name sparks. I have to talk to her, before I tell the boys anything.

"Not right now Lou, I have to go talk to her boys, I'll um, well just...hold on." I stand from the table and the boys' faces look full of confusion, yet again.

I make my way up the stairs, I have no idea what to say to her, the fact is, not even I can justify what I did, so how am I going to come up with an explanation whilst walking up stairs??

I'm only around 2 metres away from her door now and my mind is still blank. Not only am I unsure on what to say, but just looking at her makes me nervous, it always has. When we were younger I always acted on impulse around her and most of the time, that involved lashing out and not only with words.

I raised my fist ready to knock, but this just made me cringe.


I'm standing outside my school leaning on the metal gate. It's pretty cold this morning and I can see my breath floating in the air.

" Harry mate, good morning to ya!!" My friend Tom yelled to me from across the street. You see, I'm kind of the 'leader' of my group. It's kind of ridiculous really, but at least it enables me to have friends instead of being a loner.

"Hey Haz, here comes Sky, what are we gonna do to her this morning??" A smirk never left Tom's face, it was kind of sadistic.

"I dunno Tom, I'm not really in the mood you know, long night last night." This wasn't completely a lie, I did have a long last night, but it's because I was too busy thinking to sleep and to be honest, I want to leave Sky alone, I feel bad for her. Because of me and my mates, everyone kind of hates her, oh well.

"So Haz, looks like you're going soft, maybe you should just go hang out with little Sky over there from now on." I want to slap the stupid smirk off his face right now, no one calls me soft, I am not bloody soft.

"Shut up Tom, you want me to mess with Sky, fine, see ya soon." I swiftly make my way over to the blonde haired blue eyes girl who is sitting reading through what looks like her French notes. Crap we have that test today, oh well who needs French anyway??

"Hey there Sky, looking extra large today I see" I say quite smugly, god Harry turn down your ego. She looks up at me with sad eyes full of hurt, get over it Harry you're not soft.

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