The Whole Day

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~ Sky's POV ~

Once the Ferris wheel was over, Harry and I hopped off hand in hand to be greeted by the boys. They seemed to all be oblivious to our close contact, and to be honest, I was glad. It's not that I don't like Harry, or that I'm not proud that he likes me and I like him, it's just, I feel stupid. With everything that he put me through, I shouldn't feel like this. I should hate him, loathe him, but I don't, and that scares me.

It makes no sense that I can be so attracted to him, no bloody sense.

"Hey Sky, you alright?" Harry asks as the boys all tilt their heads, giving me weird looks. It was quite cute actually, with their cute faces they all looked like puppies.

"Oh yea sorry, are we going??"

As we walk back to the boys' van I realise that Harry is still holding my hand. Will the boys think I'm pathetic for doing this?? Will they think of me differently?? Will they be angry?? Upset?? I feel stupid. I feel needy and like I can't function without him in my thoughts, and it's wrong. Yea, he may have been charming and sweet this whole time, but I shouldn't have jumped straight from forgiveness to practically being in love!! It can't be healthy.

~ Harry's POV ~

Once we pulled up outside of Sky's and Simon's house, the boys rushed out leaving me girlfriend?? To be honest I don't know what we are, but I know that I want to be with her.

"Sky, you coming??" I ask her as I get out of my seat. She turns her head and smiles at me, but her eyes still look distant. It's quite late and dark outside so I can't see her face well, but I know she's caught up on something, the whole drive home she's been silent, I wonder what's on her mind??

I follow her inside where the boys are fighting over what movie to watch. By the looks of things, it's between Toy Story, Titanic, Grease and The Hangover. Personally, I want the fourth one, but these dudes are so bloody unpredictable.

Sky takes a seat on the couch, an amused smile tugging at her lips. I guess seeing the boys argue so vigorously over a movie is entertaining to her too. I make my way over sitting myself as close as I can next to her. Our thighs our touching and I love the contact between us.

As I come out of my thoughts I see the opening scene if The Hangover and to be honest, I think this is the best movie choice. Sky cuddles into my side as she lifts her legs on the couch and tucks them half under her butt. By reflex, my arm wraps around her shoulders and I let her lean on me completely. I like this feeling, in fact, I love it.

About half way through the movie, Niall is snoring his butt off on the couch and everyone's eyes seem a bit droopy.

"Hey guys I think we should all just go to sleep. We had a long day today and you all look shattered." Said the forever sensible Mr Payne breaking me from my thoughts. I love that about Liam, when he needs to be sensible he is, but the rest of the time, he's just as immature as the rest of us.

"Yea good idea, I'll take Niall to bed boys, I have the biggest biceps." Louis says whilst standing and flexing his biceps. We all slightly chuckle as everyone disperses from the room. I look down at Sky and notice that she's also asleep but cuddled into my side. A smile makes its way to my face as I take in the girl before me. I pick her up bridal style, ready to take her to bed, but as I do her eyes flutter open.

"Hey there beautiful" I say as she lets out a yawn.

"Hey, is the movie finished?"

"No we all decided to go to bed though. Niall fell asleep on the couch and Louis took him so I thought i'd take you." The smile doesn't leave my face as I watch Sky slowly become more aware that I'm carrying her.

Her eyes widen and she instantly hits me to put her down.

"I wouldn't have dropped you ya know?" I say with a smirk.

"I know, I'm just a little heavy, besides I can do it myself now" she giggles sweetly before leading the way upstairs. I follow close behind her keeping our bodies close.

"You're not at all heavy" I quietly whisper in her ear as she reaches her bedroom door. I feel her freeze at our newly discovered proximity and I take this as my opportunity.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her even closer. One by one I place sweet kisses from her jaw down to her collarbone feeling her wriggle slightly beneath my touch. When I get to her shoulders she lets out a quiet moan making me smirk. Seconds later her hands are placed around my wrists pushing me off her waist and away from her warmth all together. I let confusion take over my features as I see tears fall from her eyes.

"Sky?? What's wrong??" I ask in an almost begging tone.

"You have to stop Harry, you're not allowed to just claim me when you want to kiss someone and then not care. You're not allowed to just come back into my life and pretend that what happened in the past is non existent. Harry you have to stop hurting me." She begs calmly. Seeing her upset because of me hurts. It's like I can feel my heart being torn apart. She's right though, I can't ignore the past.

"I know Sky, I'm sorry I just..."

"No Harry, stop talking your way out of everything."

"But Sky.."

She turns around, cutting me off and enters her room.

I feel anger pulse through me. I haven't felt this pissed in years, not since I was younger. Before I know it I've stormed into my room slamming the door behind me, swiping everything off the desk in my room with one slide of my arm.

What the hell is wrong with her?? I've told her that I've changed, that I'm not like I used to be. When I was younger I was always angry, permanently fucked off, just like I'm feeling now. By the amount of noise I've made smashing up things I'm surprised no one has come in. In saying that, it's probably a good thing they haven't, they'd probably end up with me punching them right in the face.

This is what Sky does to me, she makes me so fucking mad when she ignores me. I don't need her, I'm fine without her I can ignore her too, even if I don't want to.



Hey sorry about no update, life is busy, but no excuses.

Looks like Harry is getting violent again, oh no :(

Love you all so bloody much :) xoxox

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