Goodbye's, Airports, and Idiot Brothers

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"Beep ! Beep ! Beep !"

"Uggghh" I groaned flipping over and placing the pillow over my head to muffle the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Stupid device. It's a Saturday, I want to SLEEP.
I shot up in bed at the realization that there WAS a reason for my alarm clock waking me up at the unreasonable hour of 8 am. I jumped up from my bed, losing my balance and toppling over one of the many bags and packages that littered my bedroom floor. I groaned inwardly, getting up whilst massaging my head, which I had managed to whack against my desk in the stumbling process, and headed over to the bathroom.

I got into the shower only to be greeted by a current  of freezing water, swearing loudly, I planned to get revenge on my brother Val who had most likely used up all the hot water already. Having had a quick wash I stepped out of the shower, teeth chattering as I dried myself of with a towel. He is so going to pay for this. I smiled to myself as I imagined his expression at the plan that was already forming inside my head. After I had dried myself off, I put on some lotion and mascara and brushed my teeth .Going into my bedroom again, I put on the clothes I had laid out on my desk last night. Or, as I should say this morning, cos it isn’t really night if you and your brother finish packing at 3am in the morning.
We weren’t really the most organised of people.

Heading out of the room in my ripped skinny’s and an off the shoulder white shirt with what seemed to be random paint splatters layered across it, I went into the kitchen only to be met with a grinning Val, sitting on one of the kitchen stools.

“Hey Rickie” he said in a seemingly innocent voice “ Good shower ?” he asked still looking  all innocent, but not being able to stop the evil glint that was now present in his eyes.

“Sure” I replied, playing along. No way was I going to miss an added opportunity to make my plan of revenge completely unexpected. The less he knows the better.
I noticed too late that I was still standing in the kitchen doorway now looking at my brother with a far away expression on my face and a sinister smile playing across my features. Val was looking at me strangely, his hand halfway ready to put the spoonful of cereal into his mouth, which he held in place while trying to figure out my expression.

“Don’t you have any clothes ? ” I questioned, looking at my brothers bare torso and scrunching my nose up a little “ We‘re already late, and we still have to see mom ”

“Unlike some people, I don‘t take an hour just to decide what I’m going to wear ” he said narrowing his eyes at me.

“You know I don’t take an hour to get ready” I retaliated, narrowing my eyes in return “ Only yesterday you were calling me a guy, and saying how abnormal it is of me to take so little time to get ready. You also said how compared to the girls you’ve been with, you can now truly see how much of a freak I am ” I finished, a winner’s look on my face as I took in my brother’s peeved expression.

“You don’t have to look so freaking smug every time you win an argument with me you know !” Val yelled “ Just because you..”
 He never got to finish his sentence as an amused dad came into view wearing a dark suit, complete with some smart shoes and a briefcase. As soon as he drove us to the airport he was going to the office.

“Can’t leave you alone for a minute can I ?” he said smiling lightly and shaking his head “ You guys better promise me that you won’t kill each other when you get there” he said frowning a little, and as he saw me trying to say interrupt, he continued quickly “And don’t try to sell me lies Rickie. You might be able to fool others but I’ve known you since you were in diapers” he said smiling again “ You can’t fool me, and don’t even think about doing anything stupid because I’ll be getting regular updates about what you two are doing from your Aunt” he finished.

Val was spluttering with laughter over the diaper comment and I smacked him over the head as I went by, grabbing the box of cereal .

“Ow! What the hell was that for ?!” Val exclaimed exasperated, as he rubbed at the place where I had hit him.

“You deserved it” I said shrugging, as I reached over and took the milk from the fridge.

Dad chuckled as he took us in, ruffling my hair as he went past “ I’m going to miss you kids when you go of” he stated, his eyes taking on a gloomy look “ This place is going to be so empty, especially with your mom still in hospital”

Me and my brother shared a look as we both glanced over at our father. We knew we would be leaving him all by himself, but from what the doctors were saying mom should b coming out of the hospital soon, and we have been planning moving since we were 16. We also knew that by complaining our dad didn’t mean to make us rethink moving to England, he was simply stating a sad fact about how lonely this place would be after we left. I’m sure that both me and my brother will also feel a sort of empty space where our parents should be for the first couple of weeks, but we had promised to call everyday and skype occasionally. Unlike some families, our family was extremely close knit, and we spent a lot of time together, doing anything - from visiting our grandparents in Spain to just sitting around in front of the TV. We usually stuck together whatever it was we were doing, and I knew that moving to England would be a shocker for all of us. Even though the trip was pre-planned, it was one thing to talk about it whilst still being at home, and another actually going through with it. If it wasn’t for both me and my brother already being accepted into Oxford, we might have not gone along with this at all, due to our mother’s condition.The thing is, we also knew that she would never forgive us, or herself, for not going through with what  we have been planning for the last couple of years.

After dad left the kitchen, I finished my cereal and washed up after myself. I could see Val out of the corner of my eye heading over to his room, most likely to finally get dressed. That boy honestly needed to get his act together, if we were going to leave on time to still see mom and not be late to the airport.

Clambering out of my seat I want to help dad carry the suitcases out of the room and into the lift. Having two of the most successful and recognised lawyers in America as your parents, and living in a top notch apartment in New York had its perks, and as soon as we managed to drag the bags out of the front door, the doorman appeared and helped to carry the luggage into the lift. Leaving him to it, I went back inside our apartment to find Val fully dressed in a light blue tee, which complimented his darker skin tone, which both me and him had inherited from our fathers Hispanic roots. He was carrying the third suitcase out of the door, and I quickly passed him as I went in again for our hand luggage. Having found it I threw both the bags over my shoulder and headed back out the door, checking every room beforehand to make sure neither me or my brother left anything. Knowing us, we would probably arrive in London Luton, and find ourselves without our passports. This wasn’t just a simple case of going there for the holidays, it was the real deal along with living by ourselves, attending Uni and attending training in the London Police Department. Val and I had both decided that we wanted to follow in our parents footsteps and chose a job related to law, but we also knew that we were far too active to sit around like lawyers, so we opted for the next most suitable thing . We chose the police, as both Val and I had the required combat and physical skills that the job required, along with a tendency to keep a clear head when others started to panic. Our parents supported our decision, as contradictory to what others believed, they knew that we could handle ourselves around danger. They also knew that no matter how much me and my brother fought between ourselves, we would look out for each other .

After a shoving match with my brother as we tried to fit ourselves into the already stuffed taxi, we finally managed to get in without causing too much damage, and headed off to say goodbye to mom.

When we finally arrived at the airport, we were already late after the incident at the hospital. The receptionist wouldn’t let us go through, saying that we are only allowed to come in one at a time, and that the visiting hours have finished. She even had the cheek to tell us to come back later, and I had to refrain myself from getting in her face and screaming at her just to FREAKING LET US THROUGH. It was only after one of the doctors came into view, we were recognised and led into the room where our mother was laying. The goodbye was short and sweet as mom engulfed both me and my brother in a weak hug, squeezing us to her and giving our foreheads a kiss whilst telling us to be good. Being mom, she pulled back after a while and told us in stern voice that we were to call both her and dad as soon as we got there, and told me to make sure that Val doesn't run of with the first bimbo he sees.

Ohhh...I love my mom.

When the goodbye session ended and both me and my brother hugged mom back, promising not to get involved in any unnecessary incidents, like we usually do ( According to our mom) she said goodbye to dad, pulling him in and placing a small kiss on his lips. We all went out of the room, and waved back to mom as she gave us a small and tired, but cheerful wave as we headed towards the corridor.

Checking in the 3 huge suitcases that me and my brother used to put in all the stuff that we had left at home ( Including clothes, CD’s and any other things that were laying around in either of our rooms. The rest of our stuff including newly bought furniture and supplements for our new apartment over in London had been sent there before us, and by the time we got there, should be already ready and waiting for us) we went back over to dad, who was suddenly looking extremely miserable, judging from his hunched shoulders.

“You kids better be alright” dad murmured, more to himself than to us. I rolled my eyes as I gave him a hug, followed by my brother.

“Dad we’re not 5 anymore” I reminded him “We’re 18 year old adults, who are fully capable of looking after ourselves” I said putting on my worst snotty aristocrat voice, hoping to get him to smile. It worked as he gave me a weak smile and I shot him a grin.

“She’s right you know” my brother added squeezing the living daylights out of both my dad and me “And don’t worry I won’t let her do anything stupid” he continued sending my dad a wink. I swear, this boy doesn’t take anything seriously. As if I would be the one doing something stupid.

It was my dad’s turn to roll his eyes as he gave us a final hug “I’m sure you will Val, but don’t be surprised if she’s the one pulling you out of trouble” dad carried on, grinning “Your sister might have a tendency to find trouble, but you know as well as I do that the same applies to you” he finished, and both me and him chuckled apart from my brother who sent us both a playful glare. After the final goodbye and promise to call as soon as we got there, both me and my brother went on our way quickly, knowing full well that dad wouldn’t go until we disappeared from is view. We Didn’t want him to be any later than he already was.


As we boarded the plane we were met with the familiar sound of babies crying, and we sighed simultaneously, sitting down in our already reserved, first class seats .Val and me had done enough flying in the past to get used to both the constant noise and the throbbing of the ears. Knowing that unless the person flying fell asleep neither of these two problems could be avoided, as soon as we put our hand luggage in the compartments above our heads we settled ourselves down in our seats,and started to doze of. My brother’s huge frame was slouching down into the seat and I leaned my head against his shoulder .

“Night Val” I whispered jokingly as I made myself comfortable.

“Night Rickie” he whispered back a smile appearing on his face as he started to doze of already “ Don’t snore”

I rolled my eyes but chose to ignore his comment as my eyelids drooped . The last thing I remember was thinking about how much of an idiot my twin brother really is, but how much I love him, because he’s my idiot. I smiled to myself at that thought, finally falling asleep.

Hey ! This is actually my first book on here, because I’m new to watt pad and all, but if anyone is actually reading this, I would love to hear what you guys have to say ;)

I would also really appreciate if anyone could make me anything at all related to this book. Again comment, comment, comment and if you really liked the chapter vote !

( And whoever that person is that gave me my 1st ever vote (On the 29/1/13 , actually it only happened a couple of min ago...) I LOOOOOVVVEEEE YOOOUUU !!!  If you were here right now you would receive a full basket of Chocolate Muffins. Which, by my standards, is saying a LOT. I

For people wondering when One Direction will come into this, they will come in at chapter 5  :)

Thanks for reading XD
Rickie xx


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