Choking, Interrogations, and The Death of a Sandwich

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Rickie's POV

I was sat around the table, devouring the the feast that Uncle Adam, and his chef buddies had prepared for me and the boys when he found out we were here. The welcome had consisted of hugging, laughing, and sqealing ( Mostly on his part ). I rolled my eyes, at his compliment, saying how he was proud to say that his god- daughter had grown up into such a beautiful, talented young lady and let him lecture me about the fact that I looked to thin (As usual) and that he needed to fatten me up a little. When Val had come down with Liam, he was given the same talk, with the small change of "Turning into such a fine looking lad", after which Adam proceeded to practically throw us onto the chairs, saying that breakfast will be ready in a minute. Mellissa was sat around the table with us, eating some maple syrup smothered pancakes, and chuckling at whatever Louis was currently saying to her. I couldn't help but laugh at Niall, who looked like he was in heaven. He was shovelling the food into his mouth at an inhuman speed, eyes growing wider, as new dishes kept arriving. I didn' blame him, Uncle Addams cooking was one of the best out there - once you've tried it everything else kind of paled in comparison.

"What's the name of the blonde one ?"

It was Adam, standing behind my chair, and leaning close to my ear.

"Who, Niall ?" I asked, gesturing with my head quizzicaly towards the blonde boy.

"Yes, him. I like him" Adam said thoughtfully "He eats a lot" he added slightly in awe.

I chuckled, looking over at Niall, and giving a little wave, which he returned, a pink tinge appearing on his cheeks, when he noticed we were watching him eat.

"Is is eally ood" He tried to say, facing my Uncle, his mouth nearly over-spilling with the amount of food he had in it. He looked like a chipmunk.

"Why thank you young man, I'm always glad to see someone with an appetite like yours. It's not often that I come across someone that can give Rickie here a run for her money when it comes to food"

When he said that, all heads turned to face me, taking in the mountain of food I had piled up on my plate.

The boy's eyes bugged out of their heads, as they took in the sheer amount of it .

"It's like a female version of Niall" Louis whispered dramatically.

I waved my head dismivelly in front of me, cheeks too full to say something back to the Doncaster boy. Noticing they were still staring at me, I tried to swallow the food that was gathered up in my mouth, choking on it in the process.

It took several drinks, and Val whacking me on the back repeatedly, before I could breath again.

I narrowed my eyes at Louis accusively "That was your fault" I stated, but he ignored me, him and the others still in hysterics. Niall shot me a sympathetic look, as I huffed and crossed my arms, slumping against the back of the chair.

"Don't worry Rickie, I still thought you looked cute " Harry said, causing another wave of laughter to erupt.

Mel, Louis, Val and Harry where still laughing, with Zayn chuckling along quietly. Niall was to occupied eating to laugh, so he settled on smiling with his mouth full. Even Uncle Adam was laughing. The only one that wasn't laughing was Liam. It hadn't slipped my attention that he was acting even moodier than before when he had finally joined us, and I was planning on interrogating Val about what had happened upstairs later.

"Where's Simon ?" I asked, finally noticing the missing member of our group.

"He said he'd come down in a few minutes," Val said, and, as if on cue, Simon walked in through the dining hall doors. Having questioned the waitress that was now occupying Mels space, he headed over to where we were sitting.

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