Warnings, Outbursts, And Man-Periods

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Val's POV

" Watch him, alright ?"


"I'll see you downstairs "

And with that, my sister closed the door, leaving me with a world-famous celebrity, and a boy band member who seems to be on his period.

Simon seemed to be listening to their retreating footsteps, as if to make sure that the topic of our conversation would go by unheard. Which was kind of pointless precaution seeing as I was sure that Rickie would castrate me if I didn't tell her everything that was said here.

Satisfied that the others were out of earshot, Simon turned to face the scowling teenage boy standing in front of me.

"We need to talk" Simon said frowning, and gesturing to one of the plush cream sofas, that were in the room. The boy sat down with a huff, crossing his arms in a defensive position, and staring at the wooden floor .I sat down next to Simon on the opposite end of the couch.

"Liam, what the hell has gotten into you ?" Simon asked. His voice seemed relatively calm, but you could here the underlying anger that laced his words.

When buzz-cut boy kept silent, he continued "I've never seen you speak that way to anyone before. This is the kind of behaviour I'd hardly expect from Harry, let alone you ! Now I want you to tell me what your problem with Rickie is - and I'm not going to ask twice"

Liam still kept silent, although his brows furrowed even further when he tried to ignore Simon's gaze.

"Liam, I'm not going to..."

Simon never got to finish his sentence, as just then the brown haired lad lost it completely.

"SHE'S A FREAKING TEENAGER SIMON ! She's younger than Harry ! Doesn't that bother you at all !? The fact that you're consciously letting an eighteen- year old get involved in something like this !? That she's risking her life, when it's barely even started ?! And you...!"

Liam was now looking at me accusively. I lifted my eyebrow suprised that the boy was talking to me now.

"...Don't you feel even slightly worried that your younger sister is going to be living with a bunch of teenage guys for the next couple of months ?! That she's going to be willingly risking her life every minute of the ..."

"Rickie's my twin"

Oh, how I wish I carried a camera around with me just so I could record the guy's reaction.

"Wha-what...? But she's...and you're..." Liam paled visibly.

"Just because I'm taller doesn't automatically make me older "

"I never said it d...."

"And just because I look more cop material, doesn't necessarily mean it's true"

"Yes, I know,but you're si..."

"Don't doubt Rickie before you've gotten to know her - you have no idea what she's capable of" I was beginning to get angry myself. Liam was repeatedly trying to make my sister look both vulnerable and weak. If Rickie herself was here, he would probably be missing a couple of his front teeth by now.


Damn. Must have said that out loud.

"I'M SAYING THAT IT'S UNNERVING TO KNOW THAT SOMEONE IS GETTING INVOLVED WITH THIS ON THEIR OWN ACCORD !!! WHAT IF SHE GETS HURT !?" Liam shoulders suddenly slumped forward and his voice quietened "I don't want anyone risking their life for me. I'd still feel this way even if we were to be talking about a professional, but it's even worse with her. She's..."

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