Confusion, Facades and Uncharacteristic Giggling

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~Liam's POV~

There haven't been many times in my 19 years of life when I can well and truly say that I was completely mystified to whatever subject I didn't fully understand. Whether they were simple and easily explained things that I failed to understand when I was younger, such as the reason for 2+2 being 4, or more complex things that I had grown used to overtime - such as not ever being to win an argument with my mother. All these things, however simple, or complicated had proved solvable at some point. Never before had I been in a position when I didn't know what to do, say, or how to act. Where I didn't, couldn't, comprehend what I saw in front of me. Until now.

And that thing, or that person, I should say, appeared in my life out of nowhere, getting involved in a situation that belonged in a low budget action movie, complete with fake blood and a cliche plot. Except this person was anything but cliche. She was a living, breathing, walking oxymoron. A human contradiction. Someone who followed orders but only those which she deemed necessary. Someone who was sassier than Louis, yet still managed to come of as well mannered to others around her. Someone with innocence written all over their face who managed to be more cheeky and inappropriate than Harry if need be. Someone who had the ability to pull of the slightly vain demeanour that Zayn carries, but doesn't, not caring or realising the extent of their appearance. Someone with such a petite frame, that matches Nialls appetite, and manages to floor a man nearly twice their size.

She had appeared out of no where, managing to impress Simon upon their first meeting. Managing to convince him that she was the best one for the job, applying without any real experience - only qualifications. The urge to protect those around her was obvious constantly, even in simple functions like looking at her brother. I failed to understand how she worked, what she thought, and it unnerved me - I was usually able to understand people so well. Rickie hid behind contacts not because she was ashamed, she hid to avoid repetitive questions regarding her person. Barely turned eighteen, she had already managed to save someone's life on more than one occasion, and was able to talk about it as if it was an everyday occurrence in the overall scheme of things.

I knew all this, yet I had only known her for little over 32 hours. When I first saw her I imagined she was a fan, but that thought vanished as soon as I saw Simon standing behind her. The situation was explained and I couldn't help but scowl at what I was told. Young, inexperienced, she was putting herself out there willingly, for a bunch of strangers and their families. The thought was ridiculous, and at first I had assumed that Simon had been joking. That in itself was ridiculous as Simon didn't joke, especially about something like this. People's life's we're at risk, careers, and the stress of the whole situation was becoming visible to the fans. They feared something was wrong, and even when reassured refused to believe that everything was fine. We needed certified experts, skilled, trained and qualified. What we didn't need was another person to add to the list of the people who were already in danger. No one else seemed concerned about the risk of this situation, and when I tried to talk to Simon about it, all I got was a lecture with her brother watching.

After realising that I was the only one against her receiving the job, seeing as I was the only one that was aware of the danger, I began trying to bury my initial reactions in order to convince her of leaving. It was difficult - proving harder than expected. I was usually so honest with people, empathetic, and against hurting anybody's feelings. Acting like a self absorbed idiot who was unaware of the feelings of those around him was near to impossible. When she told us about Michael, or when we didn't know what was wrong this morning. Times like those it was tricky to keep the facade. I saw how my behaviour confused her, and attempted to steer clear of the split personality behaviour I must have appeared to be having. Not that it was working or anything. She tolerated my unacceptable behaviour, ignoring me completely. This morning had been the first time that she had confronted me, questioning my behaviour.

When I had finished my short, but reasonably well formed speech, I waited patiently to hear her response. Even now when she stood in front of me, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed slightly, confidence emanated from her entire being, unnerving me slightly. She was so sure of herself. It wasn't going to be easy to get her to give up this position. I expected a response that featured kicking, thrashing and screaming. What I wasn't expecting was the small laugh that escaped her once I had finished speaking, like a bubble involuntarily slipping through her slightly parted lips. It was soon followed by an amused chuckle, ending on a sweet yet oddly uncharacteristic giggle. If I wasn't confused before I was entirely lost now. I tried to keep my expression blank as she scanned my face quickly, smiling lightly as she did so.

"You're worried about me aren't you ?" She asked still smiling. Rickie was rocking back and forth on her heels looking very entertained by this new discovery "You're worried that I won't be able to keep you guys safe, i.e. do my job, while managing not to hurt or put myself at risk in the process"

"Or I might just not want you here ?" I started, but it came out as more of a question. Rickie scoffed, looking me straight in the eye. It was hard enough to focus without any distractions - this just wasn't fair.

I gulped quietly, moving closer to where she was standing. She was so stubborn - she only heard what she wanted to hear. Only listened to what she wanted to believe. I tried again, attempting to regain whatever authority I had left in my tone of voice " Rickie, if you would just listen, I'm sure that we could..."

"No Liam, you listen" She was suddenly in my face, noses nearly touching "You're hardly leader of this group, and I'm afraid you don't get to decide. I'm going to help you, I'm going to protect you, and I'm going to sort this shit out over the next couple of months"


"Don't Liam. You have no say in this" She spat, fisting my collar in her hand as she brought her face even closer " I don't know what kind of act you're trying to keep up but whatever it is it's not going to work. You might as well drop it. I'm staying Liam. Like it or not, you need me. I'm not stupid, and now that I know your motives I've got you all figured out" Her face softened for a couple of seconds before hardening again, and she let me go, stepping backwards and towards the door "I want to help Liam. And you can either fucking accept that or not - because your choice isn't going to affect what's already been decided" She finished, and with one last withering glance in my direction, she stalked out of the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Oh yeah, Liams POV ;)

Is it slightly clearer now ? Does Rickie understand, or did she assume the wrong reason behind Liams actions ?

And what about the other boys ? Why haven't they told Liam to knock it off...?

I hope you liked this ! Comment what you thought down below (hehehe, inappropriate laughter XD)

Do you guys want to know a secret ? <.< >.> I'm writing two books at the moment, not just this one o.O It's a 1D fan fic, but it's more serious than this one, less humour, more drama :) Would you read it ?

I love you all my little Ninja McMuffins


*Throws muffins at you*

Momma McMuffin (aka The other Rickie) xx

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