Breakups, Camping and Fair Warnings

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~Val's POV~

I closed the door behind me, hearing the quiet click. I turned around to find the blonde boy looking at me with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity. Good. If he was nervous that meant that I intimidated him. If I intimidated him it meant that he would take what I was going to say seriously.

"So ummm... Why exactly am I here ?" Niall asked, scratching the back of his head whilst leaning against the counter "Am I still going to get the boyfriend speech even though I'm not even going to be going out with Rick properly ?" He asked smirking, a new sort of confidence evident in his tone "I think you'll find that she's kinda the one who chose me in the first place"

I scanned his features, taking in his almost proud demeanour. He looked accomplished, but his eyes held an underlying emotion of dis-belief.


An anxious voice accompanied by a hand being waved around infront of my face, woke me up from my trance. Thinking about the older boys words, I waved my own hand dismissively "Oh. That? That was just an excuse to get you out of the room"

Niall dropped his hand, tucking it under his armpit "Oh" He said in surprise "Why am I here then ?"

I twiddled my thumbs together. I didn't know this guy, neither did I know how much he already knew about Rickie. Suddenly I remembered the fact that he had given her a nickname during our earlier conversation - shortening the standard "Rickie" down to a simple "Rick". He was getting awfully chummy with my sister. Could giving someone a nickname be considered as a form of flirting ? Surely it could. It's like a double shortening - Rickie's already a nickname, he doesn't need to alter it further.

"You're not completety wrong actually" I said, turning to face him, crossing my arms "I'm here to warn you about hurting Rickie - to make sure that whatever you do you're aware of what you're getting yourself into"

"What are you on about mate ?" Niall asked uncertainly, looking at me as if trying to work out where I was coming from.

I ignored his question, thinking of an anecdote to back up my course of speaking "A while ago, two years to be exact, I was going out with a girl called Lillian - we ha'd been dating for over a year and I had convinced myself, talked myself into believing that she was the one. True love and all that " I grimaced at the memory "Rickie never approved of Lillian and they never seemed too get along. This however, didn't particularly worry me as I knew that Rickie found it hard to interact with members of the same sex in general - she didn't have anything in common with them and any conversational topic wittled out after minutes. The year I spent with Lily was possibly what I back then thought to be the best year of my life" I swallowed at the memory, feeling myself get flustered as I spoke "That is untill I caught her cheating on me with the Soccer Captain" I said quietly, my voice dangerously close to cracking.

Niall looked beyond uncomfortable. He kept swallowing, and shuffling his feet, arms crossed, unsure of how to react. He opened his mouth as if to question what relevance this was to our conversation, but shut it again as soon as he realised I wasn't done speaking.

"How much cliche could you get ?" I asked no one in particular, giving a grim smile "The bastard was my best friend too. Knew what he was doing all along the dick" I spat out, concious that Niall had now moved away slightly "I caught them going at it after school one day, practically dry humping eachother in the janitors closet" I wrinkled my nose "It was disgusting, and if catching your best mate getting it on with your steady girlfriend wasn't enough, she then stood up and announced that she was going to tell me a month ago, but didn't want to hurt my feelings " I clenched my fists in frustration at my own stupidity and not noticing the obvious signs "That was around the time when I walked away, leaving the two together, wanting to uphold my belief that no, punching girls is not acceptable" I said spitefully.

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