Ranting, Old Friends, and Unexpected Shows Of Affection

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Turning around, I looked at the four boys standing in front of me. They were still keeping quiet.

"Can you please start talking ? I don't do silence, I find it awkward "

"Aren't you finding this weird? At all ?" I was suddenly asked by a distressed looking Zayn. I thought about it before answering. Or before trying to answer anyway, since Harry interrupted me before I could say anything.

"She probably does this on a regular basis Zayn, I doubt we're her first clients"

"Ugh...Well, actually, you guys are my first "Clients" , and I only found out I was going to be doing this yesterday. Since then I've kinda gotten used to the idea. But the dating thing ? That was new. I found out at the same time you did - Simon kept quiet about it"

"I don't really get the dating thing" it was Louis speaking now "Since I have Elenour, does that mean I'm going to have to break up with her ?" he questions looking worried and furrowing his eyebrows. I shook my head as I looked over at his earnest face.

"No, no, of course not. You and Elenour can stay together - as long as she's, you know, kept in the dark"

"So I'm not allowed to tell her what's going on ? How's that fair ? Your family probably know, and what if she gets hurt or something ?! Then It'll be my fault for not telling her !!" Louis had stopped walking now and was yelling in my face, exasperated. I waited for him to finish before continuing.

"You done now ? Good. The whole purpose of this being a secret, is to make sure nothing happens to anyone. Not knowing equals innocence. Innocence means that whoever is behind these attacks doesn't have any more reason to hurt them then necessary. Besides, if this goes according to plan, the assaulter should focus on me, keeping you, your families and friends out of danger. Ok ?"

We had all stopped walking by now, and by the time I had finished speaking, Louis looked a lot calmer. Niall was shuffling his feet and Harry and Zayn were standing behind him.

Louis let out a deep breath "I'm sorry" he said looking guilty "I didn't mean to.."

"It's fine" I cut him off " You're all worried and lets face it - for the last couple of weeks you've had every right to be. The thing is, you can relax a little now - we've got this under control ok ? I'm going to make sure nothing happens to anyone" I smiled at Louis, and then at the rest of them, trying to be reassuring.

"And, again, " I say looking at Harry "I'm sorry flooring you"

Harry grins cheekily before answering "It's ok. I didn't mind it that much"


"Shouldn't we be going ?" I ask quickly, grabbing the hand of whoever happens to be closes to me - in this case Louis - and pulling him along.

Louis looks scared as he looks down at our hands "You're not going to hurt me are you ?"

"Why would I hurt you ?"

"You hurt Harry "

"Yeah, well, that's because he was doubting my skills - now come on" I say pushing them into the elevator "I don't want to hear anymore crap about me hurting you guys understood ? I'm here to protect, not ...damage. You should learn to act natural around me, we're going to be living with each other for Gods sake" I finished my little rant while looking each of them in the eye.

Next thing I knew I was being pushed up against the wall, as Louis engulfed me in suffocating bear hug. I squeezed him back, before pulling away smiling "This is normal ?" I questioned lifting my eyebrow. Louis nodded grinning, before looking at the startled boys behind us " What ? She's in charge now, and she told me to act natural. Which is what I did - unlike you guys " He said narrowing his eyes at them.

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