Shopping, Smirking and Physical Contact

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"Where do you want this?" Zayn asked, panting, trying to lug the punching back up the stairs. Skipping down a few steps, I shook my head a little giving him a hand.

 "It's fine, I was going to put this in the gym anyway" I said, giving him a small smile.

 After our little argument with Liam I felt surprisingly better. My fist was still aching slightly from wanting to connect with his face when he said what he did, and I still believed that he wasn't telling ne the whole truth, but at least now I was beginning to understand what was going on in that head of his.

  "Hey Zayn?" I asked, twisting my head to look for him. When my eyes settled on where he was standing, now looking at me expectantly, I gestured with my hand for him to follow me "Come to the kitchen with me" I stated, rather than asked, grabbing his sleeve along the way. Zayn didn't struggle, but rather wen t along willingly not questioning my actions. I think he was starting to realise that when it came to food I was like Niall.

 Walking into the kitchen I saw Liam in a heated discussion with Niall, while Harry and Louis sat on the nearby stools. The two stopped talking as soon as I entered the kitchen, and I heard Liam give a defeated sigh. He then proceeded to smile, slowly, almost painfully, in a beaten manor, but smile nonetheless. And he was smiling at me. My confusion soon vanished as I returned the action, turning away to shuffle though the drawers with a confused, and slightly dazed expression still present on my face. Once I had found the object of my search (A packet of Pringles which I hadn't eaten in over 2 days, and I was having serious withdrawal symptoms) I turned around to face the others, popping a few of the crisps into my mouth, holding out the packet "You guys want some?"

 When they all shook their heads, apart from Louis, who grabbed a single crisp, and Niall who grabbed a handful, I put the container back down on the counter.

  "We should go out"

  If we were going to make this look convincing to the public, we had to appear together more than once. It would be considered strange enough that all of them had suddenly moved in with a complete stranger, out of the blue, and that stranger was now acting like some kind of long awaited, recently found new best friend with whom they couldn't bear to spend more than a day without. That's what this'll look like to everyone else.

  "Isn't the point of this to spend as little time with the public as possible? Keep ourselves safe?" Liam asked quietly, turning to glance at Niall with raised eyebrows as if "I told you so". I momentarily ignored my confusion, and instead focused on answering his question.

  "Not really. No" I said, hopping onto the stool next to Louis "You just need me with you, that's the part of the plan that's supposed to keep you safe, if you follow that rule you can go out as much as you want"I noticed the way how the all brightened up at the possibility of going somewhere again. I guessed that over the last couple of weeks the management, and Simon, weren’t that keen on letting the five out of their sight. I just hoped that I'd be able to keep up this precaution when it was my turn.

 "Where will we go?" Harry asked, moving his feet from the nearby counter top onto the floor "I'm up for anything, as long as it means some fresh air and being allowed to move freely again without someone constantly watching my every move" He muttered the last part, but the excitement was still present in his voice.

 "Well I can't guarantee that" I said grinning at him "I'm afraid you're going to have to put up with me being there, you know, with it being my job and all"

  I didn't want to add that I might not be the only one watching their movements carefully. Or that the others motives might not be as pleasant as mine.

 Harry waved his hand dismissively " 'S different" He answered not at all bothered by my slight teasing "With you it doesn't feel like someone is watching over me, taking note of my whereabouts, it feels more like one of the boys is just being extra careful"

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