Abuse, Juvie, and Lost Causes

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I took a big breath, before looking at the four boys that were gathered around me. They looked aggravated as they waited for me to speak.

"Before I start talking about what the hell happened between me and Michael, you boys should probably know that me and Val, well, coming to England wasn't exactly a spur of the moment thing for us. We had been planning this since we were 16"

"So like, since Val was 16, and you were what ? 14 ? 13 ?" Zayn asked befuddled.

"So, after we had decided...What ?" I askesd, oblivious as to what Zayn was going on about " No, since we were both sixteen. What are you on about ?"

"Val's older than you - you said so yourself" Louis stated.

"What ? He...Oh" I said understanding what had the boys confused "Well, yeah, he is I guess. But only by a couple of minutes "

"Is it just me that's confused ? " Niall asked looking around at the others.

" They're twins " Liam said hastily " Now can you please be quiet and let her speak ?"

I noted, amused, that the boys were all now wearing peeved expressions at Liam's request, annoyed that he had taken that kind of tone of voice with them.

"They don't look like twins" Harry grumbled under his breath, slumping back into his pillow, followed by the other boys "He's twice as big as her"

I glared at him, before continuing " As I was saying, we'd been planning this for over 2 years. That was also around the time when I had met Michael. As we got to know eachother, he found out all about our plans, and he encouraged us, went along with it" My face darkened when I thought about what came next "It was only around 6 months before we came here, when Michael noticed that we were actually looking for an apartment to stay in, that our dad was actually buying furniture for our new house, that he figured out we were serious about moving"

"I would have thought It'd been obvious that we were, you know, judging by the fact that we were looking into the universities here and shit" I said annoyed by the memory of Michaels naivness "But when he finally came around with the idea that we were being serious, he...Michael accused me of abandoning him" I chewed the skin on my thumb adsentmindedly, thinking about his face when I had told him that we had bought a flat in London "You're actually going ?" Michael had asked incredululsly "So you're just going to leave me here, to deal with all these twats, who are gonna jump at the chance to make my life a living hell as soon as you dissapear from view" He stated with pinched lips "No, honestly - it's fine. I understand" he had said. Except he didn't. I thought the guilt of leaving him by himself would wear of, but it simply tripled when I noticed the tears that were now cascading down his cheeks. He left soon after that conversation"

"I'm not sure we understand Rickie " Liam said softly, looking worried "Why was he so upset about you leaving ?"

I thought about how I should explain just exactly how much me leaving affected Michael, before I began speaking carefully "I've always always been quite a" I thought about the correct word " In your face kind of person I suppose. I always believed that people should learn to stand up for themselves, and I didn't understand when others let people make them feel inferior. My understanding of people that did this - let others push them around - changed once I started to get to know Michael better"

"Michael was a great friend. He was funny, laidback, and enjoyed socialising. Most people accepted him for who he was, and didn't care if he was gay or not" My expression darkened " But there were...others. Biased idiots, who judged a person by the label he or she was given by society. When Michael and me started to hang out together during school, I saw a whole other side of the boy I had grown to call my best friend. My happy, carefree friend, was replaced by someone shy, unrecognisable - someone that cowered away from worthless insults. It was alright when I was with him, no one dared touch him when I was in a 5 mile radius of the boy. But as soon as I was gone, for whatever reason, being ill or simply being in a different class, all hell broke loose."

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