Important Message

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Hey Guys.

First of all, I'm sorry to disappoint as this is not a chapter, the next chapter will be up on Tuesday. This is a message about someone who has just accused me of stealing someone else's work.

These are the messages :

itsrosie - Way to get the " Bodygaurd" idea from the Original Justin Bieber fan fiction Bodygaurd, can't come up with your own idea can you?

RickieChic - Excuse me ? This idea is mine. It came entirely from my own head, the plot, the characters EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE WRITTEN. If you're going to barge in here, accusing me of stealing someone else work, at least learn to spell correctly *Bodyguard

Now let me just make one thing clear.

I have NEVER heard of this book before.

I haven't read, seen it, I didn't even know it EXISTED

I spend hours over this book, because I want to bring it up to a professional standard, to meet all YOUR standards. I love this book. It's become important to me over the last couple of months, and so have all of you guys, who I know that, unlike our dear Rosie over here, won't ACCUSE ME OF TAKING SOMEONE ELSE'S HARD WORK AND EFFORT FOR GRANTED.


So again thank you, to all my readers out there, who actually enjoy my writing and tolerate my rambling authors notes :) Also, thank you to Rosie, for introducing me to the true nature of the Internet, and showing me that some people are simply ignorant, self- righteous bastards who enjoy belittling other people :)

Thanks Rosie

If anyone has the link to the book Rosie was going on about, please message me it or post it in the comments so I can clear up anything with the other author if necessary.

This shall be dedicated to Rosie, maybe she'll have the other book in her reading list, and then you guys can check it out and see if it is anything like this book.

I love you all, and every vote and comment you give me genuinely means a lot, however cheesy it may sound.

Rickie xx

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