Arrivals, Taxis, and Wishful Thinking

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"Val ?"


"Val ???"


Val was obviously feeling talkative.

The plane had landed by now, and everyone one was getting up to collect their luggage.And by everyone, I mean every other person in here except Val and me. And believe me, I wasn't here because of choice. If it were up to me, I would have long since grabbed our luggage, clambered out of my seat, and left his sorry ass on the plane. Unfortunately for me, I had insisted on having the window seat before the departure and (Much to Val's annoyance) I had won. Regrettably it also now meant that I couldn't get OUT of my seat cos of Val's goddamn Godzilla like build, blocking my entrance.


I poked my brother again, hoping for a more drastic reaction, but when nothing happened, I decided to try an alternative method. Grinning evilly, I put on my best "Smitten teenage girl" voice, stared of into the distance and spoke to Val.

"You know what Val ? You carry on sleeping. I'll just ask that cute dark haired guy that was eyeing me up throughout most of the flight to help. I'm sure he would't mind" I finished, still keeping up the innocent facade, but smirking on the inside as I counted down to my brothers reaction.

As expected, Val shot up in his seat almost instantly, and started doing a great impersonation of something that resembled a meerkat. By which I mean he was frantically twisting his head back and forth, whilst sending death glares to any boys in the near vicinity.

Nevermind there were none, as so to speak.

"Which one is it ? " he growled, and from the menacing tone that his voice took on while he said that, you could tell that he actually believed me.


I shrugged watching his angry expression. This was the "Overprotective Big Brother" side of Val. Even though, in my opinion, being born 6 min and 57 sec before someone doesen't really make you "An older brother". But hey, you know, whatever floats your boat. This side of him usually annoyed the fuck out of me, but firstly, I had gotten used to it due to the many years of living with Val, and secondly, in some situations, (Such as this one) it could even be considered useful.

Glancing back at Val, I could still see him scanning the plane for the mystery guy.It was only after a while that my brother narrowed his eyes and looked at me with an obviously pissed of expression.

"There is no guy, is there ?" he asked, slumping back in his seat defeated "You know, that wasn't very nice" he continued muttering under his breath, undoing his seat belt and stepping out of my way so I could get through.

I shrugged again as I took the Adidas bag from him, and threw it over my shoulder "Neither was pretending you were still asleep" I concluded "But you don't catch me complaining".

As we walked out of the plane and into the main building, we joined the long line of people, that had formed while we were walking here, and waited to get our passports checked.

Having been let through security, we went over to the luggage carousel, and waited for our bags. I was starting to get fed up now, and began chewing on the inside of my cheek, a habit that I had developed through the lack of anything interesting happening. It itself wasn't a very entertaining activity, but it would have to do for now. 30 min later our luggage had finally appeared, and the sudden excitement which I felt at the thought of finally getting out of here, caused me to practically knock over an old lady as I ran towards them. Val followed amused, chuckling to himself slightly. He was always the more patient one out of the two of us, I thought bitterly, as I helped him drag of our baggage of the conveyor belt.

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