Burnt Breakfasts, Nicknames and Attempted Humor

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"So who else knows ?" Niall asked, bringing the half eaten sandwich up to his mouth, and biting into it. The boys had taken it relatively well, considering the circumstances in which I had told them. They started of by looking slightly uncomfortable, and attempting to avoid eye contact with me at all times, but at least now they didn't look as unnerved as before.

"My parents know, obviously, Val knows," I paused before continuing "Michael knows as well. But apart from those - no one"

"Why'd you wear the contact lenses then ? You don't strike me as the insecure type" He asked shooting me a grin. After assuring the others that nothing had happened, that I was fine, and after they had manage to tear their gaze away from me for more than 5 seconds, they went back to their rooms to get dressed and ready for breakfast. Niall was the first one down, and that was the reason we were able to have a half decent conversation without someone oggling my face. Out of all the boys he seemed the least affected by the change in my appearance.

Raising my eyebrows, I turned to look at him. I stared  

at him for for a couple of seconds before shrugging "It's the questions. The stares. The quizzical looks you receive from from strangers as you walk down the street. I've got nothing against looking original and unique, but if someone asks you the same question over 20 times in the time frame of an hour giving the same answer gets tedious. With the contacts I can slip through the crowd unnoticed. That's sometimes nice too you know"

Niall stays quiet during my entire speech, munching silently on his sandwich in thought. I sigh, before grabbing a frying pan and a couple of eggs. I don't know when the rest of them are going to come down so I might as well eat something.

Suddenly, the kitchen door is thrown open as Liam stalks in, his posture a stiff gait. Trying to catch his eye, he refuses to look at me apart from the curt nod he gives upon entering the room.

I whisked the eggs around with a little bit more force than necessary. I can't figure this guy out. When he finds out that I locked myself in the bathroom, he's the first one to come  

banging at the door in a desperate desire to check if I'm still alive. As soon as he realises I'm fine, and that nothing is really the matter, except a couple of missing contacts, he goes of into a huff again. I tried to keep my emotions to his actions as amused, both by his bipolar changes in personality and by his un welcoming demeanour, but I couldn't help the underlying annoyance I felt for the boy that was slowly but surely building up inside me, waiting to bubble over. I was trying to help them, I was trying to do my job, and here he was acting like a snobby little brat when his friends are nothing but nice. Even though one if them did mistake me for a drunken one night stand. Idiot.

Soon the door bursts open again, only to this time reveal the rest of the group. They were dressed, but fazed looking, managing to avoid my eye contact, as they shot each other nervous glances, shuffling from foot to foot. I watched in amusement as Louis accidentally caught my eye, cringing away. Harry's gaze follows, but Zayn keeps his eyes firmly on the floor, trying to avoid confrontation. I roll my eyes at their behaviour. If we're going to be living together they're going to have to grow a pair and look me in the eye sooner or later " The longer you leave it for, the harder it'll be for you to get used to it" I voiced my thoughts, grabbing the chin of whoever happened to be standing nearest at the time, in this case Harry, and forcing him to look at me. His eyes widened at the contact, flicking around restlessly, untill settling on my own, like the silence that hung in the air. The moment of peace was soon broken by the smell of burning, and my own eyes widened as I remembered about the forgotten eggs, which had now sadly disintegrated into oblivion.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, letting go of Harry's chin and attempting to save what little of my meal there was left. I let out an annoyed huff as I realised I was wasting my efforts, and slammed the frying back down on the stove. Everyone, including me, jumped a little at the startling noise. Moving to put the burning remains of what was left of my breakfast under the tap, I gave them a quick glance and murmured a "Sorry"

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