Shockers, Flirting and Cockiness

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Well at least one of my suspicions was right.

Looks-wise I could totally understand why the girls went mad for them. Each of them had their own distinguished features, but one thing that they did have in common, was that they were all exceptionally good looking.

No wonder Michael had a crush on them.

Damn it. I wasn't supposed to think about Michael.

Standing in front of me in various positions, were all 5 members of world-wide Irish-British Boy band One Direction. To be honest, knowledge wise, I could probably compete in a One Direction trivia Quiz, against some of their biggest fans, and still hold a good chance at winning.

Again, all because of Michael. Damn that boy.

Michael had been my best friend back in America. We had met when we were both sixteen, and it was actually my brother who introduced us to each other. This was when he had recently beaten up another guy that tried to ask me out.  I remember being EXTREMELY pissed of at him back then, as I had actually liked this one. One day my brother had come in to my room when I had been sulking, and told me that if I was so desperate for a boyfriend (This earned him a smack on the head even back then) he could set me up with one of his friends. I thought about it, and after a while I agreed - I liked the guys Val hung out with, they were funny and to this day, funny remained one of the major things any guy I like should have. Val said that the guy he would set me up with was Michael, a cute black haired boy that I had often seen him hanging around with, but had never actually spoken too.

After I had finished getting ready for my "Date" ( Val had said that I was exactly the kind of girl for his friend, but he didn't want Mike to feel pressured into anything, so he didn't know about this date) Val drove me to the cafe where his friend was already waiting. He introduced us to each other and went of to the "Bathroom" ( Which basically meant he was giving us a chance to "Hit it off") . Me and Michael started talking, and I soon found myself liking him even more . The guy had an awesome sense of humour, he was interested in theatre ( Like me) and was planning to go into fashion when he was older.

Our conversation soon drifted onto the topic of dating, and I let slip that I wouldn't mind going on one with him. Which was when he turned bright red, his eyes becoming twice their original size, and, with a gulp, told me that I was a great girl and he would love to stay friends with me, but sadly, he was gay.

At which point I did the opposite to whatever he was expecting me to do. I burst out laughing, and soon Michael had joined in. When my brother came back, he found us both sitting at the table and drinking Chocolate frappucinos - little scoffs and giggles escaping our mouths every now and then. When we explained the situation to Val, he looked like he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole. Not that I blamed him, but come on. Mike was far too nice to be straight. He sould have noticed it coming.

After we had all gotten past the misunderstanding, me and Michael kept on meeting up . We would go out to the cinema together, go ice skating, see concerts, and eventually, we became best friends. By that time I had found out that Michael had a strange obsession with the new band One Direction. He was so into them, that he would spurt out little snippets of their life, or random and seemingly meaningless information about each of the boys. Seeing how much time I spent with the guy, it was really now wonder that I knew stuff about them - You would too if every five minutes someone you were with would casually let slip that "Liam has a fear of spoons" or that "Niall likes to sing loudly when in the shower "

Why would I want to know that ? Why ?

I should stop think about Michael now. It's not like we were on speaking terms any more.

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