Responsibilities, Bundles and Hurried Escapes

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I don't know for how long I stood, mouth ajar, one chocolate dipped teaspoon poking out of the side, staring at him with a quiet look of insanity. Out of all the scenarios I imagined when I opened this door this was not one of them. Michael wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to talk, speak, or willingly contact me in any way since the day of the trial. He's the one that chose for it to be that way. He's the one who hasn't spoken to me for the last six months, who walked out of my life without looking back or thinking about it twice.

What the hell's he doing in England anyway?

I mean, this isn't even the right continent.

My brain refused to believe what my eyes saw, which led me to believe its reluctance to accept what was happening as a legitimate event, was the only thing that had yet to keep me from screaming.

This was because quite honestly, I was passed feeling any kind of emotion towards the person standing in front of me. I think the circumstances, the mere casual atmosphere this was all happening in, put my frazzled mind into a kind of half-coma like trance, where it was so past trying to make sense of whatt it was seeing, it kind of gave up and switched off momentarily.

"Rickie, you out here?"

Louis' voice rang from somewhere behind me, and I soon felt his presence occupying the space next to where I was standing. I turned my head to face him slowly, lifting my hand at a snail - like pace to take the spoon out of my mouth before turning back to face Michael.

"Oh, hey El" Louis said cheerfully, slinging an arm over my shoulder "What brings you here?"

Eleanor, who, unlike Louis, had obviously noted the ear-splitting silent tension that hung between Michael and I, gave him a look of disbelief, before carefully attempting a half-smile.

"Hey Louis" She said quietly, stepping forward "Would you like to introduce me?" She said, nodding my head in my direction pointedly, before shooting a nervous glance back at my Michael "To everyone?"

Louis, who had obviously not noticed Michael standing there, now turned his face to stare at him. His eyes travelled from his face down to his feet, taking in his appearance, before stopping at the bundle that was grasped against his chest. His eyes travelled from his face, down to the bundle, from his face, down to the bundle, and up again. Lou then turned to gape at me, then Eleanor and then finally he went back to ogling Michael. He waited for a moment, obviously expecting the other boy to say something, but when that didn't happen he lifted his eyebrows, carefully inching the door half-closed.

Not that I blame him. Michael did look like a typical hobo/drug addict right now. His red rimmed eyes, and the heavy bags under them didn't exactly help with the second accusation.

"Can I help you?" Louis asked in a polite yet clipped tone, being careful to position his and my form in front of the small amount of space that was left between us and the door.

Michael had yet to have taken his eyes of mine since the moment I had opened the door, and even now, he still watched me with the same dull tired look present in his features. I shrugged Louis' arm off and forcefully wrenched open the door that he was attempting to keep closed, causing him to look at me with a crazy expression that clearly said "Are you trying to get us all killed?" With a deliberate look towards my ex-best friend. I ignored him, pushing him out of the way, nudging past Eleanor and not stopping till I was in front of Michael himself. We stared at each other for what seemed like a century, neither one of us wanting to look away first. Our eyes searched the others, trying to find an answer to the unanswered questions that hung between us. The bundle in his arms whimpered again, and the sound was one that made my skin crawl, and my eyes to clench shut on their own accord.

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