Chapter 39- Practice

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I follow the sound of Carlos, so was going in the right direction before. Kenna Lockwood, adopted daughter of the current alpha of the Moon Stone pack, huh. Should I have killed her? She did see my true form.

"Don't worry she won't say anything that will expose us." Sasha says relaxing me a bit.

I was little worried about that. We can't move yet, plus she said she would explain more about mates. Maybe I'll just ask Carlos if he knows anything about mates.

Before I realize it, the sky is getting lighter. The sun is slowly rising filling the sky with warm colored clouds. As I stop to look at the beautiful sight, a shadow casts over me and I see Carlos in his dragon form descending. He changes into a human and runs up to hug me. I freeze as I have no idea what to do. This is the closest someone has ever gotten to me who does not want to harm me.

He finally let's go but holds me at arm's length and smiles. "Tiki, I'm so glad you are okay but-"He sniffs and frowns. "Why do I smell blood on you?" He looks me up and down.

"I shifted and Sasha killed wolves...then ate them." I say looking to the side, I know he's probably going to scold me no more like freak out and I'm not in the mood to listen to him. I'm too tired too, I was out all night fighting.

"What do you mean shifted? Like full on shifted? As Sasha, with the wings and horns? Then ate like as a food source?" I didn't expect him to react this way.


"That is uh something I didn't know Sasha does."  He sounds unsure of what to say.

"Yeah, Sasha needs blood or she'll lose her mind and take me over. After that she will kill and destroy everything in her path. At least that's what she told me."  I bluntly put it

"Ok, well at least you killed everyone who saw-"

"I didn't" I cut him off as he stops sighing half way.

"WHAT?!" He partly yells

"I killed all the wolves except one."


"Because she healed me and Sasha was in control and didn't kill her. She also didn't die from the flames. It hurt her but didn't kill her."

"Hm, interesting but not good either. Who is she again?"

"Kenna Lockwood"

"I see, Kenna Lockwood wait LOCKWOOD?! The Lockwoods have always had the strongest alphas in the country! Especially the current son. He's no ordinary alpha wolf, he's a lycan. Not to mention the last one. Somehow that one survived, which I should look into. This is not good, what are we going to do? But it's not mentioned that they have a daughter." He's walking back and forth a lot.

"She's adopted. Also, Sasha said she wouldn't do anything to expose us. There's also something weird about her."

"Oh yeah? What is so weird about her?"

"When she transformed to her wolf form, she was glowing, glowing white light was beaming around her fur. Just like how my healing power glows and right when our foreheads touched, my vision cleared and I could stand."

"Ok so she was adopted and has healing powers just like yours. Obviously, she is not normal so could she have been at you-know-where?"

"No, that's not possible I would've known."

"This generation of Lockwood children sure are interesting, huh?" He jokes then his face turns serious. "We can worry about that later. Our first plan is to make up a plan A and B in case Sasha is exposed. Don't worry it is just a precaution." He says quickly when I was going to say something.

"If you can't control the shift or something triggers it, your true form will be revealed so we just have to change your appearance if that ever happens." He smiles as if it is a bright idea.

"That's actually a good idea." I say as he grins proudly.

"Let's head back first, I want to show you something I've been working on." He smirks and starts running towards The Woods.

We soon arrive at the old worn down small cabin we have been looking at. I walk up to Carlos' side and he whistles. Out of nowhere a giant's tree trunk foot stomps on the cabin. I flinch as that was the only place that had a bed.

"Relax Tiki, I got something better. Close your eyes and follow me." Even if I trust Carlos, I'm still not closing my eyes.

"Fine, just follow me then." He notices I'm not going to do that.

I follow him further into The Woods, through thick and thin trees. I realize we are heading towards the cliff where we watched the sunset before.

"Almost there, Tiki." He seems very excited.

"I thought I was going to practice shifting into a different form."

"We will, it's just I want to show you my surprise first."

I roll my eyes and keep following him. In no time we arrive at the cliffside and what's in front of my eyes is unbelievable.

"It's our new home! What do you think?!" He's acting just like a kid.  I look at it and like it. 

"It looks big for just the two of us."  I point out and he nods.

"I know, the giants sorta helped me out.  They couldn't build a small cabin."  He speaks.

I follow him inside and it's looks amazing.  As soon as you walk in, there's a couple couches to the right and a table with 6 chairs on the left, an island a little bit further away from the door with cabins and a sink with draws.  Then half way back there is a wall blocking half the view. 

Carlos starts walking that way and he shows me 3 bedrooms.  Two out of view and the other is blocked by a door at the end of the hallway. 

Each room has a good size bed with a table stand next to it and a closet with a window.  It's pretty simple, still better than the cell I was in at the lab. 

Carlos also says there's an attic and basement that he'll show me later even though there is nothing in the rooms.

We walk out of the house and he turns around facing me back in his original form. 

"Let's practice!"  He suggests smiling.  

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