Chapter 2- Saved

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Tiki POV

After she had me strapped down by my ankles, wrists and chest a few more scientists came in. They started turning on machines and mixing liquids.

I look towards the tinted window and listen carefully for anybody talking. To see what they are going to do to this time.

All that I hear is a rapid clicking noise, like someone is taping and then I hear a familiar voice speak.

"Is it on?" A voice asked.

"Yes Doctor"  Another voice responds.

"Experiment #248, Monday, June 29th 2017, Tiki Oaks, 20 years old, 5.9 height, red hair, gray eyes. Orphaned at age of 10, taken in by age of 13 by SETO, has been trained to within stand any kind of torture method and the greatest abombination ever created. Found a new substance, code name death fire. Founded by Alania Brolls."  The familiar voice said as I got interrupted.

"Ok everybody ready?"  Alania confirms.  I look at her and she has a white mask and her lab coat is buttoned and tied up.  In her hands is a shot.  The liquid is a fiery orange color with black specks floating around in it.  It looks like it is actual fire, just glowing.  I have a bad feeling about this.

"Ok Tiki repeat after me in Latin" Alania demands.

"Rise dragon rise
Show me yourself
Defend me, protect me
And as we become one
I will grant you freedom!"

"Surge ortum draco
Ostende mihi te ipsum
Defendere me protegus me
Fiet unum sicut et nos
Et dabo vobis libertatem"
I repeated in Latin this time.

Then before I could think Alania inject the neon liquid on the side of my neck. 

At first I felt nothing then a shot of stinging sensation comes over me body.  I arch my back in seconds trying to get up and find a way to get rid of this sensation.  Then I start shaking wildly.

"She's going into shock!"  Someone yells. 

I can't stop, the stinging turns worse like fire is burning my insides.  I'm sweating and soon I'm dripping in sweat and still shaking. 

"Hold her down!" Someone else yells.

"No, wait she's calming down."  I hear Alania's voice.  She's right I am slowly calming down but it still feels like I'm not in control of my body.  I feel another presence somewhere close, really close.  I feel it in my body.  I don't think I will be able to take anything else.  I'm so tired all of a sudden, I close my eyes.  Then I speak.

"Ego resurgemus
protegere et defendere
fiet unum sicut et nos
ego adepto meus libertas".

But it isn't my voice, it's deeper, darker more angry sounding.

"Yes it worked! Experiment number 248 is successfully complete!" Alania says louder then usual sounding excited. But I have a feeling this isn't over. Then it's there, the dark presence, pushing forward, pulling my body back.

"Ahhh!" I scream in agony.

"What's happening?!"

"I don't know!"

It's...No that's not possible! Tiki Tiki! Listen to me." Alania holds my fave in her hands trying to make me focus. "You have to fight it, you're not ready for him. You can't let him come out yet. He's going to-". "Ahh!" I interrupt her by screaming again. The's too strong I can't hold back any longer...


"Mayday mayday". We lost control of experiment 248! Everyone evacuate now!" Alania yells.

It's nothing I have ever felt, the burning fire sensation and then it comes out of my chest.

A fiery orange light and above me forms a dragon-not any kind of dragon but a dragon from the underworld hell.

Usually all dragons come from their own world, Amber Fire. No one has ever been to their home ever since the dragon king blocked it off to everyone. But I heard once that it is amazing. The sky always the color of fire, grass, trees and all plants always new from nature dragons. Fresh water kept clean at all times and stone built walls tall and thick. Dragons living happily and flying all the time. Every dragon beautiful and unique in their own way, living in peace.

But this dragon above is no where looking for peace, it's filled with evil and revenge.

It's large scales are ebony, with neon fire streaks all over, going down its body. The dragon's wings are orange and his bone structure it pure black. Razor sharp claws with burning lava dripping down out of its mouth, teeth black. Spikes are sizzling going all the way down to his pointed tail. Eyes are as bright as the burning fire from his mouth.


The giant dragon roars and looks at me. It sees I am strapped down and his eyes turn to slits and looks hungry. I stare at it in his eyes and he stares right back on them and nods his head.

"Everybody RUN!!" Alania yells and it all turned to chaos then.

The dragon whips his head towards the scientists running out of the lab room and he barges right into them and through a wall.

I take the chance to try and get out of the straps that are holding me down and tug and pull on them but still too weak. The dragon took a toll on me coming out, how is that even possible?





All that I can hear the screams and roars of people being killed in this place. Then the evacuate alarm went off.

More sounds are all over, parts of the building coming down, glass breaking and more screaming. 

Then all is quiet and I start to panic but calm at the same time until...


Oh no, no no no! 

The room's alarm bell I'm stuck in blares and hurts my sensitive ears. I wince in pain but have to deal with it right now.

Then the room flashes with red light and my chest starts to hurt.  Suddenly the room gets really heated and I start sweating like crazy. 

Out of no where a burst of black energy comes out of my chest and shoots up to the sky breaking through the roof. 

"AHHHH"  All that I feels is pain and I can't stop screaming.  It hurts so bad I don't even know how I am still alive. 

ROAR!!!!  Growl...

"Ugh!!"  I grunt and scream again.  I start shaking and trying to get out of the straps but it's like I'm frozen in the spot.  I can't control my body again.  Is there another dragon?  There can't be because then I would sense their presence. 

"AHH!"  I scream again. 

Then the shadow of the dark dragon appears in my sight, taking the black energy inside him.  Once he took in the black energy.
"I got you Tiki, you're safe now." The dragon's deep voice echoed through the room, or at least what is left of it. 

I couldn't feel anything hurting or in pain.  It's like he needed the energy, if he didn't take it then I would have died. 

He cuts the straps with his claws and lifts me up and bursts through the roof. 

And here's chapter 2

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