Chapter 19- Lunch

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Tiki POV

Miles Black comes in the room after me, standing in front of all the students. He clears his throat but doesn't get anyone's attention as they all stare at me.

I glare at every pair of eyes equally until Miles speaks up.

"This is our new student..." He trails off as he forgot to ask my name the whole way here.

"Tasha" is all I say looking over the class, scanning the room. I can hear Sasha snort quietly in the back of my mind at my fake name.

"Right, Tasha...well you can have the seat next to Luke by the back window." Miles Black gestures for me to go sit down. He's lucky it wasn't an order.

While I walk to the aisle between students, I heard a couple comments they have the guts to say,

"Do you feel her aura of power coming from her?"

"She must be a alpha's daughter"

"But she's a rogue, she can't have alpha blood"

Sasha growls at that statement. How dare she speak about us like that?! We are more powerful then she could ever be!

I take the seat by Luke and he speaks to me right away.

"Keep your distance rogue". He mutters as he roams his eyes up and down my body. Oh I plan on it.

I let a little snarl out in warning and he says nothing else as Miles Black gets out attention.

"Alright, class today we are starting a new unit. It's about the history of the century long war." As he announces this there is groans and complaints around the classroom. I roll my eyes and think, this is going to be a long day.

After history I had Art, English and Science which both were set as single desks. Luke was not in either of those classes and no one seemed suspicious to me. I expected to see at least one rogue in any three of my classes but none have showed. I don't care, it's just what that girl said this morning,"what do you think the alphas will do with another rogue at school?"

I just thought there would be more rogues. I haven't seen any Alphas either, but I have felt their power around school.

It's lunch now and I'm heading down stairs to the cafeteria. On the way down a flight of stairs, there is a group of she-wolves surrounding a smaller she wolf. I watch them to see what they're doing when all of a sudden a tall blonde she wolf pushes the smaller she wolf down the flight of stairs. The group laugh as they pass her saying insults and stepping on books and papers of hers.

"Selene, our goddess' name. What a disgrace you are, you should never hold your name of goddess Selene." I heard the tall blonde girl spit at the fallen girl. I make my way down as they leave and was going to pass by as if I saw nothing but stop when I feel something powerful inside her.

She gulps up at me and starts to mutter something but I cut her off. "You are very powerful, why hide it?" I ask her but she just looks down. She starts shivering so I growl and walk away to eat lunch.

I can't believe I just asked her a question! Why did I ask her that question? Maybe because we are similar in power, we hold a great amount of power. I almost felt threatened just standing in front of her, even when she was down on the ground. How ridiclious, me feeling threatened by a she wolf that can't answer a simple question.

As I walk in the cafeteria doors, I get this aroma of food I have never tasted before. I then notice how many wolves are sitting down or waiting in line to get food. There are so many, I quickly look for an escape route and spot a few doors. Then I scan for any threats, which I find are pretty much everyone. I get in line and as I wait, I listen to different conversations. Until I hear Luke's voice.

"-Zane is coming back today from his trip around the world."

"Yeah, he won't admit it, but he really wants to find his mate. He can be stubborn sometimes."

"I wonder what is mate is like, if he found her. I bet she is beautiful and has a nice family and loves him at first sight."

"Please Luke, she wolves get scared of him so easily with the attitude he has. Especially because of what he is. He can barely control his Lycan side half the time."

I stop listening when its my turn to get a tray and food. When I look at the food, it looks no different then what I always had at the now burnt building. So I have no problem with eating it, but I do prefer meat as I was getting used to that in the Woods. I find a empty table for two in the back corner and head for when at the last second I catch a leg swing out to try and trip me. Idiot, you really shouldn't have done that. With seeing the leg still in place, I stop right in front of it and stare down at it.

With it still not removed, I look at the wolf whose leg is not moving and see him stunned. he look at me then at his leg then back to me. I glare at him and a smirk appears on his face.

'Remove the limb' Sasha says annoyed that I'm not doing anything. That could work...I think about it then think better of it. I'm at school, have to keep my emotions in control.

I growl deeply at the wolf and his smirk falters and a hint of fear covers his eyes. He laughs nervously and slowly retracts his leg and I continue walking.

I finally make it to the table and sit down to eat when I can still feel the eyes on me. I look up and scan the area for the pair of eyes when I see Luke I'm pretty sure that's his name is staring at me. I glare at him and as soon as he sees me looking at him, he turns his head back to the wolves at his table.

Can't wolves just mind their own business, ha I just made myself feel like a hypocrate.

As I eat I just get a few stares and glares here and there as I keep watching everything around me. Soon lunch is over and I go to my next three classes. My first class after lunch is Latin, which is the easiest all though the teacher doesn't like me that much which makes me hate her. My second class was Chemistry and then Statistics. I think the teacher has a interest in me because of how smart I was in the class.

My last class of the day is PE...with Miles Black just like he said, he's the PE teacher too.

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