Chapter 30- The Plan

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Zane POV

'Split into 4 groups, each group goes on each side of them and wait for my signal to attack.  As you attack, Luke and I will grab Tasha and head for the forest.  When we are far enough away you guys runs for it too.  I know we can't beat this dragon head on, this is just a distraction plan.  Remember, don't get killed.'

"Now!" I shout and everybody splits into groups and surrounds the dragon.  The dragon growls wrapping its tail protectively around Tasha.  Crap, that is making it harder to get her.  I look at the dragon and can almost see him smirking like he knew my plan all along.

'Attack'  I mind link and everyone rushes towards the green dragon. One back one to five at a time my warriors are getting beaten by this dragon.  we can't even get six feet to them.   

'Alpha, this is not working'  Luke tells me and I know its true.

'Stop attacking'  I order them and the stop and get a good distance away from the unbeatable dragon.  The dragon growls and narrows its eyes then looks at my mate.

"We can't save the Luna on our own, what are we going to do now?!"

"Maybe we should call for more back up?"

As the warriors discuss different ways of strategy.  I half listen and block them out to think of my own plan to get my mate.  

"Here is what we're going to- as I was about to them of a plan, when the dragon breathes fire around him and then a bright blue light flashes in the direction of the dragon and Tasha.  


"Sh*t Carlos, stop growling my head hurts."  I grumble at him and golden eyes flash towards me.

"Tiki, you're awake!"  Zay exclaims relieved and worried. "Wait, did you just say you were sleeping?"

"Yeah, it was very draining to keep Sasha from taking full control."  I explain and sigh.  I look around the area and see burn marks on the ground, blood and the grass in positioned in all the same direction.  I steadily stand up and ask, "Who are we fighting now?"

Zay looks at me questioningly then snaps out of it.  "Warriors and your ma- *cough* um your kind, an alpha.

I stare at him, what was he going to say?  I know it certainly wasn't 'an alpha'.  I'll figure it out later.  

'Why?  I just helped them take out enemies." 

"Because they want to take you away from me.  They think I'm dangerous and going to let you die."  Zay mutters madly.  

"Why won't you just fly away with me then?"  I ask

"Because its fun beating them down, especially this pack's warriors.  They are the strongest and I can beat them so easily. I get to knock the wolves egos down so much, its funny.  Everything they've tried isn't working."  Zay answers proudly.  That's right, I forgot he hates wolves.  And they are so consistent, they won't go away until they have you."

"Zay, I have an idea.  If they take me to their house, I can see if they have any info on the experiment before me.  You said they are the strongest which means they are resourceful and resourceful things have a lot of information from all over."  I finish with my plan, I'm going to it even if he disagrees.

"Fine, you're going to do it even if I say its a bad idea.  We do need all the information we can get and this is our first chance at getting into a wolf house that might be useful."  He mumbles.

"Okay here's the plan, you will breathe the hottest fire you got around us and Champ with spray it down so there is thick smoke and that's when you shift back to human form and run into the trees leaving me here.  You follow them and at midnight I will meet you in the trees near wherever they will take me."  He nods slowly and he raises his head at the same time Champ appears and gets ready to spray water everywhere.  

"You sure of this plan?"  Zay must have let Carlos take back control because his golden eyes aren't in slits anymore.  His irises are more rounded.  I nod and he lets out growled sigh.

Zay takes a deep breath and let's loose his fire.  I hear a voice yell no but Champ flashes bright blue and his water does nothing.  What the heck?!  Champ chirps and looks at me a little worried.  He flies around my head rapidly as it starts getting heated and then Champ enters my body.  

I can feel my body quickly cool down and my vision suddenly turns into cool vision colors.  Carlos, I'm going to kill him when I get out of this.  First I need to calm down and think rationally.  I sit down, legs crossed and close my eyes.  I stretch my arms out in front of me in fists and think of water all around me and taking the fire out.  

The harder I think though, the harder it is to focus and my head hurts more.  I can't do it for long, otherwise I will pass out but I have to make sure my plan is a success.  In one breath I exhale and open my eyes as a flash of blue envolopes everywhere and the fire sizzles out.  

All I see is dark gray almost black smoke everywhere and voices shouting different things.  I stand up slowly and look around for any movement.  I see a shadow of a man as it comes closer and appears just a few feet in front of me.  

When I look at him, I feel like something inside me woke up and Sasha starts pacing back and forth muttering something angrily.  He looked beautiful with his tall built, dark eyes and slightly messy hair.  He gulps and sniffs the air with satisfaction.  

Then he starts rushing towards me in a quick pace.  I take a step back and growl, "Who the h*ll are you?"  He frowns at my question and stops moving towards me.  

"Mate" Is all he says and steadies me when I didn't notice I was stumbling.  Then my vision becomes blurry, I blink quickly and see another shadow come into view so suddenly that Sasha is startled and my claws grow and I swing across his chest so deep I think I felt bones crack and he falls.  Then I pass out

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