Chapter 12- Portal

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Tiki POV

Not to spoil the good mood but it's not just the Phoenix.  There is still the wall of fire."  Carlos whispers.

That put my good mood into a bad mood. 

"I'll take care of the Phoenix, while you Carlos get rid of the wall of fire."  I command.

"What?!  But how am I suppose to take out a wall of fire that's taller then the trees?!"  Carlos complains.

"Fight fire with fire, I don't care". I shrug

"Well how am I suppose to do that?!"  Geez for a Royal dragon he sure doesn't know much about his abilities.

"I don't know figure it out". I hear him mumble something back but don't care to find out either.  I just focus on where the Phoenix is.  How am I suppose to even get up there?  You could always shift.  a little voice in the back of my mind whispers.  No, I can't...won't shift into the monster I am.  First- Boom! I hear Carlos ram into the wall of fire. 


There's the Phoenix!  I look up and see it zoom above me, leaving a trail of fire and smoke for a few seconds before it all disappears.  I look around for any ideas when I spot something and start planning.  Climb the tallest tree, reach the very top and take down the Phoenix.  Not the best plan to come up with but I can always improvise.  

As soon as I reach the top, I almost fall to avoid fire.  That was too close for comfort.  I look back and see the Phoenix retreating then I get back up and a better grip.  I close my eyes and feel the coolness of water return to my veins and rush through my body.  I open back up just to clash water and fire together. 

The Phoenix is really strong, I keep pushing as the Phoenix does the same but there is only barely to no movement.  Just the sound of sizzling of fire and spraying of water fighting against each other. 

I slowly stand up, balancing myself on the tree branch, good thing its pretty thick and wide.  While also concertrating on working to putting more pressure on the Phoenix.   That's when mini fireballs come hurdling towards me.  okay, now that's unfair.  I quickly stop clashing with the Phoenix and surround myself in a bubble of water.  I'll play it's little game, I can play defense and offense at the same time. 

It's a little spotty looking through water but as soon as I think of that, it becomes clearer.  I spot the Phoenix circling around and quickly throw whips at it to cut its wings.  It dodges them all except the last one that cuts some feathers off and slows it down as it screeches.  Man, that's a horrible sounds, hurts my extra sensitive hears. 

With the Phoenix slowing down, I lower my water bubble and throw blotches of water at it.  dodges them all again, this time it won't through.  I create a even bigger one and throw it, the bird is too slow to dodge this one and goes down in the trees.  I use my supernatural speed to reach the Phoenix laying on its side not moving.  I move closer to it, causiously careful of getting too close. 

As I hover over to it, it hisses and turns towards me ready to lunge at me when without my control, my eyes turn icy blue and my body blows a freezing cold temperature on the Phoenix and it turns to ice. 

In a instant I'm back in control of my body, I look at the ice statue in curiousity,  I never knew I could do that.

'Correction, I did that.  I took over your body and froze him.'  Champ's voices in my head.

'Right, you did it, but its still my body.'  If I could glare at the creature, I would.

'You are a lot stronger then I imagined.' Champ praises.


I hear a loud crashing noise behind me and see a big green dragon breathing fire on the wall of fire.

Right... Carlos needs help. I run up to the wall of fire and feel the full blast of scorching hot heat race over my body.

"Carlos!" I yell his name and he stops looking down at me. He swoops down and shifts back to human form breathing heavily.

"Fighting fire with fire is not working T!" Carlos says between breaths. "And I don't think I can go on for much longer, I don't have much fire left in me". He says with a hint of worry.

"OW!" Carlos yelps the fire just burnt his skin.

"Run!" I tell him and we both take off. It seems like the wall of fire picked up speed.

"Where's the portal Carlos!" I yell at him running by his side.

"Oh, follow me!" He takes off faster and I follow hot on his heels.

We jump over a river, dodge trees and bushes. The wall of fire burning everything we pass.

"Carlos, how much farther?! The fire is ruining everything!" I yell at him.

"Almost there I think!" He yells back.

'Almost there'. Champ whispers

Carlos comes to a complete stop suddenly and I crash into him. Making both of us fall down a rocky hill with little streaks of water flowing down into a stream.

Carlos groans and we slowly get up. Right in front of us is a pair of trees connected at the top and a swirling shades of blues and white between them. Not just one though, rows and rows of them lined up all along the stream.

"What one is it?" I ask Carlos but he looks unsure himself right now.

"There was no knowledge of more than one here!" He says looking around all the portals.

A little sizzle sound is coming closer and just as I turn around, Champ takes over. My hands glow up and ice shoots out. A huge wave of ice grows to match the height of the wall of fire.

"Carlos! Hurry up and choose one!" I voice out but it's not mine it's Champ's.

Carlos turns around to the different voice and widens his eyes seeing me. He looks me in the eyes then the ice shooting out of my hands up the wall.

"Woah". Is all he says when he notices me glaring at him he starts thinking again.

"Carlos!!" I yell louder because of how much pressure I'm holding.

"We have to think of something else, stall more time". I tell Champ. "What else can you do?"

He doesn't say or do anything for a little bit. Then I felt my body go cold and in a blast two giant icy tornadoes start forming bigger and bigger. One on each side in front of me, flying little spikes of ice. My hands push out and the ice tornados sucking on the fire. I let out a sigh of relief and Champ let's me back in control.

"Come on Tiki, I think this is the one." Carlos grabs a hold of my arm and we jump into one of the many portals.

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