Chapter 18- Miles Black

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"There's a new girl? I didn't know we had a new student coming!"

"But she's a rogue, we better just stay away from her"

"Yeah, who knows what she has done"

"What do you think the alphas will think? Another rogue in the school."

"So what? She's hot!"

"Yeah, I bet she likes it rough. I mean just look at her"

Yeah, they're talking about me. The new rogue student. I'm a bit surprised they haven't said anything about my scent being so unnatural. Carlos told me my scent smells like chemicals and pine. Kinda a weird scent if you ask me.

Just as I enter the school, I heard one more whisper.

"Didn't she come from the direction of The Woods?"

I didn't stay to listen in to that conversation as I head straight for the library.

I quietly dodge all students bumping into none. Probably because no one wants to touch a rogue. This might actually be easier then I thought.

I find the library a few minutes later and open the doors. Everyone glances my way before going back to whatever they do here. Except one, I can feel eyes on me.  I turn my head in that direction and see a older lady sitting behind a large desk staring at me. When she noticed me glaring at her she looked away. 

She must be the librarian Carlos talked to me about.  I spot paper and a pen on the large desk and start walking towards it.  Carlos told me librarians can find any book in the library if they have it. 

Once I reach the desk I grab the pen and paper and write down the three books Rukas said to get first.   The whole time that I have written them down the librarian watched me with wary eyes. 

Cautious of rogues huh? 

I shove the paper in front of her and she blinks a couple times.

"I need these books". I told her and she slowly grabs the paper and adjusts her glasses to see better.  Her eyes widen at the end and she looks back at me about to say something but doesn't as soon as she sees my face. 

The librarian rounds the large desk and walks towards the farthest aisle.  I quietly follow her and watch her as she grabs the first two books.  We go down another row of books and she attempts to grab the third book but struggles.  She's just about to trip, but I grab all three books.  What a useless wolf.  Can't even carry three books.  She may be old but wolves can still carry books, I'm sure of it.

She looks at me in surprise, her eyes wide and she's shaking less than before. That is until she noticed she was staring me and I glared hard at her. The librarian shivered a little but turned around and walked towards the desk again. I looked at the clock above the entrance doors and saw it was 7:54. I'll just have to look at the books later. Carlos also told me to check that the librarian knows I am taking the books if I have too.

I go up to the desk again, "I'm taking these" I told her, she was about to speak but closed her mouth and looked back at her computer.

I walk out of the library only to slam into another body. The body falls and legs out a small whimper. I take a glance at the body and see brown wavy hair with silver eyes looking at me. What is it with everyone looking at me? I glare at her and she just smiles.  Why is she smiling? 

She picks up her book and stands in front of me.  Blocking my way, she certainly has a death wish.  I growl but she ignores it, which confuses Sasha.

"Hi, I'm sorry that I bumped into you, I wasn't watching where I was going." Why is she so happy?  "My name is Kenna" she holds out her hand to shake mine but I say nothing" what's your name?"  Instead of answering, I glare harder at her and shove her out of the way.  Making her stumble a little to the side. 

I rush around the corner and start looking for my locker number 246.  Okay, that is not funny.  Carlos, such an idiot, he planned this didn't he? 

After I put the books in the locker, I look for a clock and spot one.  Two minutes until 8:00. 

I look down at my class schedule and see that my first class is History with Miles Black.  Suddenly I feel a presence close by and turn around to see a older male coming closer.  He must be a teacher heading for his class.

When he sees me, he freezes then walks toward me.  I scan the area and soon he is in front of me.

"Do you need help?  Finding a class I mean."  The teacher asked.  He is a few inches taller then me with brown hair and dark green eyes. I look at him, he doesn't smell like a wolf, I can't figure it out. It's like he doesn't have an original smell, just his cologne scent.


"I'm late for class now, can you tell me what class you have so I can get to mine? I can take you there if you need help". He suggested.

He can help, and I am late for history. It would go faster if he told me.

"History". I say and his face breaks into a big smile, creep.

"Great, that is what I teach, I also teach PE. Come on, I'll show you the way."

I walk behind him and he notices so he slows down to walk beside me.

"By the way, my name is Miles Black."  I just nod but I really wanted to say is I know. 

Not much longer we stop in front of a wood and plastic covered door.  He opens the door and allows me to enter first. 

That's when more words are said.

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