Chapter 4- Traveling Part 1

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Tiki POV

"Carlos?" I say to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He asks turning to look back at me as he gathers sticks and branches to build a fire.

"When you got to me yesterday, did you have the chance to see the dragon that was carrying me?" I need to know so I can get answers or something from it.

"No sorry T, but if it helps I can still smell it on you, but it's faint.  Like, when I first reached you it was so strong that you smelled like you died.  Honestly, it was kinda gross but you were still breathing fine."  He explains nothing that helps.

"Okay" is all I can say to him right now.

Suddenly, a flame lights up in the middle of the teepee Carlos made out of what he has collected.  The flame got bigger instantly and I could feel the heat of the fire against my body. 

"There, now it won't be so cold at night and will keep the creatures of the night away."  He says out loud while getting in a comfy position to sleep.

"Get some sleep T, we have a long day ahead of us." He mutters with his eyes closed as I lay down too.


I wake up to a sudden sound of rustling near bushes. Soon as I looked, the movement stopped and only a faint beat of wings can be heard.

I look over at Carlos and see him sleeping soundly. So much for being on guard in a wild forest.

Next I hear the beating of wings again and close my eyes. I listen for where whatever it could be.

See this is where my terrible tracking skills could improve, but don't. It sucks that I don't even know why I can't track anything at all either. 

I can slowly hear water swooshing not far away. And I know it's not any type of body of water because there wasn't any before.

It must be whatever is flying, a elemental water fairy? Or is it a creature of the night like Carlos said?

"Tiki..." I hear Carlos mumble. I turn my head back towards him to hear if he says any else. "Tiki wait...p-please don't." Don't what?

After a few minutes I'd silence and no sign of the noise that woke me up, I relax a little and lay back down.

Just as I am about to close my eyes I hear Carlos again.

"D-don't leave...we almost...m-made it" ugh, made what? I don't know, I'm just tired, I'll ask him tomorrow. But the weird thing is I can't seem to sleep for that long.

Carlos POV

I rolled over and opened my eyes to see Tiki is already awake staring up in the sky.  She is really beautiful.  I wish she remembered me with all the good memories we had together.

Noticing the the rustling sound of me getting up, Tiki looks at me.

"Hey, good morning!  How did you sleep?"  I question a little too cheerfully. 

"Okay I guess, better then in a cell". She responds. 

"That's good I guess?"  Not sure if it is a question or not frowning. 

"Yeah" she says turning her gaze at a bush. 

"Well, are you ready for the long day ahead of us?"  I ask as she turns back to face me. 

"Sure" this time she gets up and waits for me to lead the way. 

It's too bad because she would know the way too, if only they didn't take her away. 

They must have found out somehow.  While, Tiki was supposed to train for tracking "ghosts" , she just killed whatever tracker was signed with her. What I find funny is that she would blame the killings of the trainers of 'not working out well because of an experiment' they have done on her, she doesn't work well with partners or others.

So instead of tracking she would find me and we would play around. 

One day, we have gone the farther at we have ever gone and discovered a cave with carvings and stuff like that.  It was really cool, but it was close to the time Tiki was supposed to be back. 

We we decided to meet back here tomorrow but she never came back.  I came to the cave everyday and still, not a single day nor even a sign of her came close to the cave.  So I just started staying there. 

One day I remember going back to the lab building and checking it out.  Some experiments and trainers were out practicing fighting, including Tiki. 

Something was off about her through, I could sense it.  It was three against herself, I was about to swing in, but before I could do anything she killed them all in seconds. 

That's when I knew I had to do something, so I went back to the cave to study knowing it will be the only way to keep Tiki safe, away from SETO.

Studying the markings and soon learned that it was a map of the whole land and there was a portal to get off this world.  I was so excited but realized I couldn't share it with Tiki.  I would just have to wait, no matter how long it takes.

Even when I just wanted to destroy the lab, I couldn't. I couldn't risk what they would or could do to Tiki.

"Hey Carlos?" 

"Yeah?" I look behind to see she is following me. 

"I heard you talking in your sleep last night, you were saying something like 'Tiki please don't leave me'". She pauses for a moment to ask her question.

"Why? Did I leave you for you to be begging me to stay?" 

"No" I say too quickly for my liking, knowing she has caught my lie.  I just can't tell her yet, she wouldn't believe me anyway, I mean who would? 

Gosh, my life is so complicated everywhere I go. 

Even though she knows I'm lying she doesn't say anything.  We used to never lie to each other, always telling the truth.  I guess that's how we stayed best friends for all that time we have spent together.

Just to check, I did peek over my shoulder again to see her still behind me and not taking off.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on staying in this realm."  She mutters, somehow knowing I looked back at her.

That's good though because I won't ever let her be by herself again.  Even if she chooses to go separate ways, I would still watch over her.

She doesn't know it yet, but she can't be on her own for a while.

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