Chapter 10

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The guy named Mahito has been bugging me for few days already after the date was delayed and now he wanted to schedule it once again and he even sent me a gift just to convince me about it which I instead told him to meet up with me in person which he didn't refuse and here am I now on a small cafe around the school waiting for him to talk about the 'date' between him and (Y/n).

'I need to make sure that he'll pass (Y/n)'s standards to a guy and see through him that he's not an a**hole neither a jerk like the other guys that (Y/n) have been dating.'

"Excuse me,are you by any chance might be Nobara Kugisaka? In short (Y/n)'s friend?"A light blue haired male appeared in front of me as I nod my head and he then sat down across of me after introducing himself properly.

"I'll get down to the topic,mister Mahito but how old are you and why do you want to have another schedule about the delayed date?"I asked as he let out a sight and a small smile before he replies.

"I am 23 years old and (Y/n)'s a bit younger to me but I also have thought that he prefers older guys,correct?"He said as I nod my head in agreement.

"About why do I want to give another schedule about the delayed date it's because I do take a liking to your friend--please! Don't get me wrong about liking your friend I liked her just the way she is not just by her appearance but I have this feeling inside that pulled me an attraction towards her."He said with a smile.

"You mean like a law of attraction or some sh*t?"I said and surprisingly he laughed it off.

"You're quite funny letting those words out especially you're talking someone you didn't know that much and more older than you are,Ms.Nobara."He said which I kinda felt guilty from my words which I apologize.

"It's fine you don't have to worry about what you said! Youngster these days would usually say those kind of words but people do make mistakes,right? And must be forgiven by their rude behaviors."He said.

'These guy..Has he been teaching young people about discipline? He's so forgiving even personal after what I've been using vulgar words towards him by chats and even now he's kind of different though his facial expression seem doesn't like through his words.'

"So,have I passed from your friend's standard? Do I have your approval of having a date with (Y/n),Ms.Nobara?"He asked as I nod my head in agreement.

"Drop the formalities and talk casually to me instead also I'll send you our University's address and what date and time you should fetch her through chats 'cause I still have things to do for now,see ya Mahito."I said and with that I went out from the cafe and headed to my part-time job for weekends.

'I'm sure (Y/n) would have a good time with him since he also seems like a nice guy to me..'

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